Rules: 1. Always repost the rules
2. Answer the 11 random questions posted for you
3. Create 11 new ones and tag 11 people
4. Let the person who tagged you know that you answered.
Except I can't be bothered tagging anyone. I was going to come up with questions anyway but my brain refused.
1. If you could learn to cook/bake any one dish, what would it be?
Hmm. There's lots of things I don't cook/bake because it's too much effort, but I can't think of any where I would do them if only I knew how. But in terms of recipes I wish existed (and might, somewhere) used to be nice dairy free fudge but I actually figured that out. Oh, a decent whipped cream substitute I can eat that hits the "cream" spot, there's lots of things like cashew cream that are creamy and perfectly nice but don't taste right on, say, pavlova.
2. Top obsession of the moment?
Yuri on Ice and THAT KISS (the two male leads kissed! It's very exciting)
3. Hit shuffle on your music player. What is the next song that plays? Do you associate it with anything?
Gomez: Las Vegas Dealer
I associate the whole album with the time it came out, listening to Triple J (the local alternative/young people radio station) while studying for uni maths exams etc around 1999. Also I vaguely remember buying the album a few years later at a huge CD sale with Cam, the first time I had the chance to own a significant number of my own albums since I'd always been poor and indecisive.
4. What kind of phone do you have? Do you like it? Add a dream feature to it.
A cracked iPhone 4 that seems to be slowly dying, it keeps crashing when I try to play games (which is most of what I want to use it for ;_;) Dream feature: NOT CRASHING so I can play Pokemon Go and Mystic Messenger alllll the time.
5. Favorite video game villain (or TV/movie villain if you don't play games).
Haha I nearly said Solas for a second there then went WAIT NO GLADOS. I love her so much.
6. What movie are you most looking forward to in 2017?
7. Socks or no socks?
In shoes: Socks. Around the house, eg right now: no socks.
8. Fighter, rogue, cleric, or mage: Which character type is your favorite? Which do you think you would be?
Rogue if it's what I need to open locks, otherwise warrior because it best suits my gaming strategy of "keep hitting attack and hope for the best."
It's hard to answer which I would be, because so much about me would have to change for me to be remotely good in a fight regardless of what technique I was using for fighting. Maybe the kind of mage who sets up their spells weeks in advance and doesn't have to fight in real time :)
9. What's your favorite kind of weather?
The sort of sunny but not too hot weather we get here in early spring and much of the rest of the world would get in summer :)
10. Coffee, tea, neither, or both?
When I could drink it, tea.
11. (Keeping this one) Rec me a fic in any fandom of your choosing.
I think most people would be able to appreciate
Romeo and Ethel the Pirate's Daughter: Draft 2 (With Comments), which is theoretically Shakespeare in Love fic but mostly just having fun with Shakespeare.
This entry was originally posted at There are