So this I LOVED. It's exactly what I wanted: a fun reboot of the original which is funny and thrilling and charming and also feminist. Women being competent and weird and unsexualised and having complex relationships with each other and saving the world!! FORTY SOMETHING SCIENCE LADIES :D FAT LADIES :D AS CLOSE TO QUEER AS THE STUDIO WOULD ALLOW LADIES :D (which is not very queer. Holtzman flirts a little) ONE POC LADY WHICH IS BETTER THAN NOTHING I GUESS.
It was a very deliberate reversal of 80s comedy tropes, with Chris Helmsworth having a ball as the dim but pretty secretary who needs to be rescued. There's no romance, ones a little swoony over how pretty he is but seems to know intellectually that he'd make a terrible boyfriend. Instead there's just some really lovely female friendships (which are absolutely perfect for femslashing ;))
Things I didn't like:
- Patty, the black character, is definitely intelligent and competent even if she has no formal training(*) but after creating a way for her skills to be relevant they really dropped the ball on actually using them.
- The villain is too moustache twirlingly evil. You can get away with that with a Supernatural Being Of Pure Evil or side villain but with a main human villain you need a little more depth. Asides from that he was effectively creepy and believable.
- It kept pausing to go "DID YOU SEE THAT JOKE WASN'T IT FUNNY" instead of keeping up the momentum.
But overall I really liked it.
Very important reaction: Everyone seems to be in love with Holtzman but I think Abby is cuter. Just saying. Also the best ships are Abby/Erin and Patty/Holtzmann.
(*)I've seen people suggest she may have a history major or something but I feel like she'd have said that instead of "You all know science but I read a lot of non fiction". And it's certainly not explicit in the text, unlike everyone else.
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