Letter for
These are just some ideas and whatever you make I am sure I will love it.
Here's a general description of what I like in art and writing.
These are mostly fairly shippy prompts, but similar gen could definitely work. I only requested characters/groups where pretty much anything involving them will make me happy.
The kind of romance story I like, to the extent that it fits the characters: Mutual pining/self doubt leading to kisses and unambiguous declarations of affection. Sex is fine if it works for the story but I'm just as happy without it.
Main DNWs: sympathy for rapists, really porny sex, harm to children, underage sex, zombies, gender essentialism.
Specific fandoms:
Star Wars The Force Awakens: (fic)
They're both intelligent, empathetic people but also very undersocialised, so I'd love to see one or both of them wanting to start a relationship and just having no idea how. Well meaning but incompetent attempts at making out/sex would also be cute.
Or just the two of them bonding about the wide new world they have to explore together! Or saving he universe together! As long as they're together, romantically or otherwise :)
If you don't find Finn's unconsciousness inspiring feel free to have it get better off screen. In general, since this is an open canon, I am fine with some fudging and glossing over of timelines etc, but would find it hard to believe that Finn and Rey are romantically involved at the end of the movie.
I'd also love to see some other storm troopers having the chance to break free, and/or explorations of Finn's feelings about the stormtroopers who remain. Or, for that matter Rey's feelings about the people still stuck on Jakku.
Other favourite characters: Poe, Leia, Phasma (who I headcanon as secretly being pro resistance, but am fine with being written otherwise) In particular I really liked Poe and Finn's friendship. I like the idea of Poe/Finn/Rey in principle as long as it doesn't emphasise the maturity/experience gap.
Marvel Cinematic Universe: (fic)
So how cute were they at the end of Civil War? There's a lot of Issues between them (and between Tony and the world) to work out, as well as worries about making their friendship weird if things get romantic, so I'd expect some mixed feelings but would like a happy ending.
I'm disabled myself, so would like to see Rhodey accepting his disability and moving on with his life in a way that incorporates it (this doesn't have to be a focus of the story though) I'm also a huge science nerd so am here for as much fun with assistive tech (and other tech!) as you feel like including.
Given the nature of this exchange the focus should be on Rhodey's relationships, but I do love Tony/Pepper (and Tony&Pepper) so if they don't end up in a poly relationship and there's space then I'd love some hints of a healthy friendship forming after the breakup. I'm fine with Rhodey and Pepper's relationship being close or not.
I have ISSUES with the politics of these movies, if you felt like poking at the US dominance narrative etc that would be fantastic but if not please just gloss over that aspect of the plot instead of having too much "UN OVERSIGHT IS THE WORST" etc.
If you want to throw some other characters into the story some of my favourites are Natasha, T'Challa, Bruce, Maria Hill, Sam, and any AI being interestingly wierd. Actually, Rhodey dealing with Tony's AIs being weird would make for a pretty cool plot all by itself :D But I like pretty much all the MCU non-villains, so whoever works for your story is good.
Mass Effect: (fic or art)
Samantha Traynor
Dorkily competitive analyst of my heart. I'd love to see her dealing with the aftermath of a Control or Synthesis ending, given her love of technology and communication.
I love her with Tali, EDI, and f!Shepard, shipwise or otherwise. I LOVE nerdy flirtation/bonding, and while the game focussed on her attraction to EDI's voice would love to see the two of them exploring AI related stuff. The dynamic between Sam and Tali during the Citadel party was fantastic, more of that would be great!
I really enjoyed the Sam/Shepard romance, so a continuation of that (or even a retelling, or illustration of a cute scene) would be awesome (including post Destroy ending, if you want to stick to canon, even if Sam and I would both be very sad to lose all the AIs). A cracky prompt I would love to see is Traynor dealing with a romanced Shepard post-Control who's become a giant armada of sentient space ships.
I didn't prompt for f!Shepard because I'm a lot pickier about what I like, but if you felt like making some f!Shepard/Tali I would basically die of happiness. I'm fine with any sort of female or non binary Shepard in terms of personality/appearance/background but obviously would prefer a POC in this context.
Also, this is not for everyone, but I would love illustrations of any of my fic. In particular
my f!Shepard/Traynor series (
here's the relevant Shepard)
This entry was originally posted at
http://alias-sqbr.dreamwidth.org/616432.html. There are