Adapted from
Where do you publish your work?
Fic: AO3 first, then crossposted to once I seem to be done coming up with last minute changes, then an announcement to tumblr.
Fanart: Deviantart first, then crossposted to tumblr. I occasionally also post to AO3 via Photobucket, eg for multi page comics, exchanges, or because there's literally nothing else for that pairing.
Games: itchio or dropbox, then crossposted to AO3, then to tumblr.
And then the occasional creative works summary post on dreamwidth.
What medium/application/etc. do you write in or with?
Writing: Scrivener, so useful when I come up with little scene-lets and need to move them about.
Art: Basic sketch in Clip Studio Paint or scanned pencil sketch, finished art in Clip Studio Paint.
Games: the editor that comes with Ren'py (Editra), using Manga Studio for the art. Sometimes a bit in Scrivener/text edit when I want to write myself to do lists or not worry too much about making everything compile.
Do you collaborate with others?
Not thus far with fanworks, asides from (reverse) big bangs and remixes, though my betas
hl and Alice have certainly had some significant effects on stories they've helped with. I'm open to the idea! I'm writing an original game collaboratively with Alice and it's great if slow.
How much editing do you do before you publish?
Fanart: usually almost none. I draw until I'm done and then I post. For exchanges I usually end up finishing well before the deadline so will take the extra time as a chance to check it over with some distance and see if anything needs fixing, and sometimes even get feedback from other people.
Fanfic: There's usually a lot of editing of previous scenes as I get everything to come together, once I'm done I always go over it all at least once, and if it feels indefinably imperfect take some time away then look at it again. I sometimes get a beta to check it over, especially for exchanges, but for shorter fic often don't bother.
Games: So. Much. Testing. Just to make sure the damn thing runs. I try and get someone else to test it before I post, too, because it's easy to miss things. But games are their own thing.
Do you listen to music when you create?
Sometimes! It can help energise me and distract the brain weasels.
How do you decide what to write about etc?
If it's not from a prompt then: I don't decide on it, it decides on me. CREATE ME, it says. I NEED TO EXIST AND NOONE ELSE HAS MADE ME. There's quite a few sketchy little wips I have that never get posted but exist purely to shut up that voice. The ones that get done properly are those I think will be fun, other people will enjoy, and that I can do justice to.
When do you create things?
Whenever I feel able to. I keep very odd hours and have very few time specific responsibilities.
How often do you create things?
It really varies. Alice and I have started have twice weekly "creative days" to keep us consistently working on our various projects and stop Alice's time being entirely swallowed up by the stress of a freelance job. But I haven't always felt up to working on them due to health, and at other times will work on things for several hours a day for several days in a row when I have the time, energy and inclination.
Looking at my tumblr I made 24 works in the last 6 months or so, so: I make a new work on average about once a week, generally fanart.
Do you take requests? Why/why not?
Only for fanart. I've tried taking requests for writing but it doesn't come as easily, but I vaguely recall very occasionally being inspired to turn a fanart request into a fic, it's certainly happened with exchanges.
And I love doing fanart prompts. Two of the major forms my art block takes are decision fatigue and "this will be terrible and noone will like it why bother", so not having to think so hard and knowing at least one person will be happy with it really helps.
Is there any genre or type of work you want to make but are hesitant to?
Mysteries. I love reading them but HOW TO PLOT. Also, like, anything with explicit sex in, but that's less hesitant and more "have tried and find almost impossible".
Any inspirational quotes, videos, tricks, articles, etc. that help you stay motivated?
HOLY SHIT TWO CAKES Go to page 7 of your wip, skip to the 7th line, and share 7 sentences.
People usually have WIPs that long?? I mean I did when I was working on Wedding is Destiny but in general lol no.
So this is from the seventh subdocument of my WIP scrivener file, an abandoned Suna/Takeo/Rinko fic for My Love Story where Suna is an aromantic bisexual but noone uses those terms because they are conventionally minded Japanese teenagers. This bit isn't very good, there's a reason the story got abandoned, but I do like the idea of writing more stories about aromantic characters. Spelling errors left in for authenticity.
"Um," said Suna. "Yeah, I know he wouldn't care about that. And it's nice of you to think of me. But I'm not...I don't want to date Takeo. I don't like him that way."
"But you said you don't want a girlfriend."
"Yeah," said Suna. "But I still like girls. And I don't want a boyfriend either."
"Oh," said Yamato. "So, you don't want to date until you're older?"
Suna shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe. This is embarassing."
Yamato went bright rwd "Omigod I'm so sorry you're right! I shouldn't be asking you all these personal questions! I was just worried about you. But you don't have to date anyone if you don't want!"
This entry was originally posted at There are