Going to release some AHHHH MOVING stress by ranting about a minor irritation.
I've realised that the one thing I seem to find most irritatingly frustrating on tumblr(*) is mean sprited anti-shipping, especially when people treat love triangles like a competition. Even if the pairing being "celebrated" this way is one I ship myself! I have some sympathy for people reacting to "rival" shippers being jerks (which they often are because fandom) but even then would be happier not reading about it. It actually poisons happy shippy moments for me, it feels like a cold winning move instead of a fluffy happy moment. Especially because I often like the "wrong" love interest well enough and want to see them happy, the implication that anyone who ships like me must naturally hate them makes me feel gross.
This sort of thing does inspire me to create ot3 works though.
Luckily Xkit lets you block posts based on tags in a way which shows all the tags and the poster, so I can filter fandoms etc out if they are making me sad and then read selectively. It's working pretty well so far!
(*)As opposed to the things I find most iritating in general, which are dull chat logs and roleplaying posts. But the people who post those are very nice about tagging. And not counting, like, bigotry or whatever, though the people I follow are usually pretty good about that.
This entry was originally posted at
http://alias-sqbr.dreamwidth.org/516681.html. There are