Not much, really!
What I've been reading: Eventually skimmed my way to the end of Un Lun Dun, not trying China Mieville again for awhile.
Enjoyed The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms well enough. I reviewed them both recently if you scroll back a bit.
Not feeling super enthusiastic about reading at the moment but I'm sure something new will catch my eye. Have a fanfic rec instead:
Buy the Stars, a fantastic fic for Fallen London/Echo Bazaar about the relationship between a Sneaktheif and a Rubbery Man.
What I'm currently reading: Found my copy of "Steampowered 2" again (it was lost on my desk under various post Swancon detritus) am reading that on the train slowly and enjoying it well enough.
What I've been playing and watching:
Witch/Knight: a short but effective little free visual novel. The art is lovely and the characters likeable, and there's an f/f relationship at it's heart (though it's definitely not a dating sim) It's pretty anachronistic and the worldbuilding is a weird mix of China and Eurofantasy, overall I was not at all surprised that it was written in a month by a 21 year old(*), but once I got used to that I really enjoyed it. There are four endings that (rather arbitrarily) rely on your choices all game (and afaict some get closed off very early on) I've seen three including the "best" ending (according to author fiat :)) and they are all some variation on bittersweet. You may find this frustrating.
Teen Wolf Season 1 Disk 1: I eventually gave up halfway through the last episode. As I was told, the first few episodes are much shakier than the ones that follow and there's definitely some interesting characters and plots, but it just didn't grab me. I didn't like the rather grim world it's set in, and while the secondary female characters are great they are definitely secondary. Mainly it just made me nostalgic for the first season or so of Vampire Diaries, which I found to be a much more entertaining take on similar tropes.
Still watching and enjoying Elementary and Chihayafuru week by week. *waits for Cam to get home so I can watch the latest episode of Elementary*
(*)There's a specific writing style I've only seen young writers use, I'm not sure if it's bad or just appeals more to people that age but it's definitely distinctive.
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