Ok that was really self indulgent and silly and I loved it :D A bit awkward/OOC here and there for the sake of generic snark, but there were enough adorable/funny/femslashy etc moments that I forgive them. A very nice "ending" for my Shepard.
I actually LOST ALL MY SAVES and was heart broken since you have to be quite a way through to starts the DLC, but Cam was a sweetie and recreated me a save from one of his. It all worked but it was weird having ME3 emails from Ashley while Kaidan was in my team.
I didn't really get the hang of the "get more ammo or just wait for the gun to cool down" mechanic, maybe by the time I finish the DLC with my next Shepard.
So Brooks obviously went "Shepard apparently has a thing for young, dark, breathlessly admiring British analysts, I can do that..." :D I spent a lot of the DLC going "BUT WHERE IS SAM??" and then she showed up and saved the day with her toothbrush BEST GIRLFRIEND EVER. AND THEN EDI FLIRTED WITH HER!!!111!!! Which was a little male-gaze-lesbian fanservicey but I can live with it.
Also: evil clone ahahaha I did not see that coming. Though I did suspect Cerberus had made some unconscious Shepard clones for parts. Very glad Cam got my Shepard looking right, it wouldn't have been anywhere near as much fun if evil!Shepard hadn't shown up looking JUST LIKE ME (well, my Shepard, she doesn't look much like me) I knew Brooks was evil the moment she hung around pass the start of the mission. Not sure they thought about the symbolism of making speciesist!evil!Miranda black. Still, more badass science babes, woo. (The periodic elements drinking game! <3)
Could have done without Wrex's sexist commentary. ACTUALLY, MY SOLDIER FEMSHEP DOESN'T THINK JOKER WOULD BE MANLIER IF HE SHOT GUNS MORE. Was still good to see him again. Taking back the ship with EDI and Tali was very satisfying.
I have to wonder what this DLC is like with a renegade Shepard who hated aliens and killed off/alienated as much of the crew as is possible. "The difference between me and you, evil clone is that...uh..."
Apparently you can have sex with Javik?? I think I will maybe just watch that on Youtube, he's not worth cheating on anyone for. I saw someone saying Bioware threw their hands in the air and went "FINE. ALL THE PAIRINGS ARE CANON. YES, ALL OF THEM" and it did kind of feel like that. I am not complaining, even if I thought they made Joker/EDI weirdly unshippy compared to the main game.
Haven't tried the gambling/fighting etc. It's weirdly reminiscent of KOTOR. The "don't let the guards catch you" section was an interesting change of pace, I wasn't very good at it though, even on "narrative". I like the sense of space the DLC creates, all the characters and conversations. Maybe I'm just enjoying being back in ME3 after the narrower confines of ME2.
Wait there is a Thane scene?? ;_; And now...Omega! (I have been waiting til Cam came made the fixed save and then came off holiday so I could get to the PC)
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