(I tried lying down with my eyes closed but that just emphasised how weird it feels)
yuletart has been posting for a while, mine went up today hurrah. Lots of great art this year!
Had an interesting science fictiony dream about time travel and alternate universes last night. Made me want to write a complex, internally consistent time travel story but those are so hard to get right.
So close to the end of Glitch :( :( Have been scattering my hoarded possessions in mildly artistic ways. The fact that I DON'T EVEN FEEL LIKE HOARDING MONEY is a definite sign of the end of days.
Have been playing Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. It's lots of fun, including spotting which ideas Bioware reused in Dragon Age and Mass Effect. I was worried I'd find the objective Dark Side/Light Side morality annoying, but so far all my light side points have been from stuff like protecting poor aliens from human bigots, healing the sick, or defending women from sexual harassment with my sexy jedi teammate (sadly I'm pretty sure this is before Bioware got into making love interests bi :( ) And while I've never thought of myself as that much of a Star Wars fan I get a pretty big kick from talking to wookies and droids and stuff (I KILLED A RANKOR AW YISS) The fighting is thinly veiled turn based, which takes out all my time based combat anxiety, especially on easy mode. Except for the TWO compulsory timing based minigames I've encountered already :/ (One I eventually defeated, the second still has me stumped)
EDIT: Oh and unlike other Bioware games you get to choose your character's surname. So my current PC is Visha Verhier, female light side scout :D
This entry was originally posted at
http://alias-sqbr.dreamwidth.org/477148.html. There are