I don't want to go back alone

Aug 19, 2012 19:25

Cat still missing, and now I have a tummy bug which has kept me on the toilet almost all day. HOORAY. Anyway to distract myself I did a transcript for the CUTEST little Brazilian short film, an m/m love story about a blind boy and his friend, since all I had to do was add speaker names and action/location descriptions to the subtitles.

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I don't do Yuletide but this seems PERFECT for it. See also Cinderfella, a silly m/m retelling of Cinderella done with pop song snippets (not doing a transcript of that, sorry).

This is very bare bones but hopefully is enough for blind people to enjoy the story (which seems like a good thing given the subject!) I'm happy for people to post it elsewhere or adapt it to a Portuguese etc transcript.

Title: I don't want to go back alone

A classroom in Brazil, full of students in their late teens. One boy (Leonardo) types on a braille typewriter. Next to him is Giovana, her desk drawn close to his. Behind him is Gabriel. Two other boys look at each other with a knowing smile. When the typewriter reaches the end of a line it goes "ping" and the class cries "Elevator up!"
Giovana: What a stupid joke. How many times will you repeat it?
Teacher: Calm down, kids! No more jokes. Well, before the bell rings, let's meet our new student? Gabriel, would you like to introduce yourself?
Gabriel: I don't think it's necessary.
Teacher: Of course it is. Come here!
Class: Gabriel! Gabriel! Gabriel!
Gabriel: Hi, my name is Gabriel.
Class: Hi Gabriel!
Gabriel: I've just moved to São Paulo.
Someone throws a paper ball at Gabriel and everyone laughs.
Leonardo: What happened?
Giovana: The boys threw a paper ball at Gabriel.
Teacher: Well, you'll have plenty of time to get to know each other, ok?
Everyone except the three main characters leaves.
Giovana, to Leonardo: Let's go?
Giovana to Gabriel: Is your house up or down the street?
Gabriel: Down
Giovana: Do you want to come with us?
Gabriel, smiling: Sure.

They walk to Leonardo's house, with Leo holding Giovana's arm.
Giovana: The keys, Leo.
She opens the door then gives back the keys.
Giovana: Delivered!
Leo: Bye, Gabriel.
Gabriel: Bye
Giovana: Well, bye to you too.
Gabriel: Aren't you coming this way?
Giovana: No, I live two blocks back, but I always walk Leo home.
Gabriel: Ok. See you tomorrow at school.
Giovana: Bye

On the school balcony. Leo has his head in Giovana's lap and she is playing with his hair.
Giovana: I'm telling you, Karina was totally staring at you during the test. She was the last one to leave the room.
Leo: You know I'm not into her, right?
Giovana: But you are never interested in anyone. Or you never tell me. I'm your best friend, I should know these things. I always tell you about the boys I like.
Leo: It's been a while since your last infatuation. Ever since Thiago, if I remember right.
Giovana: Don't even tell me about that idiot. Nevermind
Gabriel: Can I sit with you guys?
Giovana: Sure! Sit up, Leo.
Leo: So, are you finding your way around school?
Gabriel, holding a book: I've already found the library.
Gabriel: Did you guys do well on the test?
Giovana: I think so. Karina, on the other hand, probably not. She seemed to be daydreaming.
Leo: How about you?
Gabriel: I guess so. But I like math.
Giovana: Oh, you should teach Leo. He's terrible at it.
Leo: Would you like it if you had to solve equations in Braille?
Giovana: Uhh, grumpy.
Leo: It was just a quiz.
Gabriel: I can help you for the next test.
Giovana: You should accept, Leo. In two weeks, there's another test. You won't flunk because of Bhaskara, will you?
Leo: Blabla Bhaskara...

Walking home together.
Giovana: Would you rather step bare foot on an ant nest or... have a cockroach climbing up your pants?
Gabriel: The cockroach! I'd take my pants off.

In Leo's bedroom.
Leo: Gabriel, how does that evidence stuff work?

Walking home together.
Gabriel: Would you rather a mosquito flying into your mouth or loosing your allowance?

In Leo's bedroom.
Gabriel: Always remember that, to annul the X...

In Leo's bedroom, Leo walks around while the other two hide. He touches Gabriel on the arm.
Leo: Who is the cat?
Gabriel: Meow!
Leo: It's Gabriel.

At school.
Leo: Giovana, how does Gabriel look like?
Giovana: What do you mean?
Leo: His face, for example...
Giovana: Let me see. Gabriel? He has dark hair... he's about my height...he has light skin... curly hair, you know? He has big eyes, is thin, is arriving...
Gabriel walks up to them.
Giovana: Let's go?

Walking home together, Leo's hand on Giovana's arm as always.
Gabriel: Don't you live around here, Giovana?
Giovana: Yeah, in the yellow house across the street.
Gabriel: If you want, I can walk Leonardo home.
Giovana: I don't know... I don't think it's necessary.
Leo: It's fine by me, Giovana.
Giovana: Are you sure? Great, 'cause I really need to go to the toilet! Bye guys, see you tomorrow.
Leo puts his hand on Gabriel's arm, then shifts him across to hold the other arm (the same one he holds with Giovana)
Leo: Are you still there?
Gabriel: Yeah.
Leo: You can walk, then.

At Leo's door.
Gabriel: Bye
Leo: Bye

In class.
Giovana, to Leo: Archaic period.
Teacher: Well, guys, since we've been studying Greece, I'd like you to pair up for an assignment, ok?
Giovana taps Leo's arm happily.
Teacher: But girls have to pair up with girls, and boys with boys. Guys will write about Sparta and girls about Athens, ok?
Giovana looks disappointed and shifts her desk back to it's proper position.
Teacher: Choose your partners, please.
Gabriel and Leo fistbump.
Girl behind Giovana: Can I pair up with you?
Giovana: Ok.

On the school balcony:
Giovana: Larissa wants to do the assignment at the school library. How about you guys?
Leo: At my place.
Giovana: Have a nice work, then.
Leo: Thanks
She leaves.
Gabriel: Were you always like that?
Leo: What do you mean? Dark haired...or blind?
Gabriel: Blind.
Leo: Since I was born.
Gabriel: And, is it ok?
Leo: Not all the time. Sometimes I get angry, you know? But everybody does, right? For one reason or another.
Gabriel: I don't know what I'd do if I was blind.
Leo: You'd get used to it. There're even some advantages. People do you lots of favors!
Gabriel: So, you've never seen Giovana's face.
Leo: No, I haven't.
Gabriel: She's funny. I think she likes you.
Leo: Of course! She's my friend.
Gabriel: No, I mean, she's into you.
Leo: Shut up! No way!
Gabriel: The way she looks at you, it seems more than friendship.
Leo: Stop that.
Gabriel: How about you? Are you into her?
Leo: No.
Gabriel: Got it.
Gabriel scrunches up his lunch paper and grabs Leo's empty drink container. Gabriel: I'll throw that away for you.
Leo: You see?
Gabriel: What?
Leo: Favors!

At Leo's house.
Leo: Come in.
Leo takes off his shirt and replaces it with a fresh one. Gabriel is self conscious about seeing him topless.
Leo: Much better!
Gabriel: It's warm in here.
Leo: Of course! You're wearing a sweat shirt.
Gabriel: How do you know what I'm wearing?
Leo: Oh, I wonder how could that be?
Gabriel: Ok, I took it off. (Puts sweatshirt on the back of Leo's desk chair) Leo, I need to brush my teeth. Is there a bathroom I could use?
Leo: Sure. Third door to the left.
Gabriel: Third to the left, right?
Leo: Yeah.
Leo grabs the shirt off the back of his chair and puts on the desk, then sits down. He pauses, then sniffs the shirt. Gabriel watches, unseen, from the door.

On the school balcony.
Leo and Giovana sing: Eternity can be cruel, I keep on going...
Leo sings: -because I need to
Giovana sings: -so I can miss you
Leo: It's "I need to", Giovana!
Giovana: Isn't it "to miss you"?
Leo: No!
Leo: Am I handsome?
Giovana: What?
Leo: Do people think I'm handsome?
Giovana: Well, I think you are.
Leo: Ok, but, what about other people?
Giovana: I don't know about other people, you have to ask them.
Gabriel, arriving: Let's go?
Giovana: Sure.
Leo puts his hand on Gabriel's arm. Gabriel looks surprised. Giovana looks annoyed. There is an awkward silence.
Leo: Are you guys there?
Giovana: Yeah. Let's hurry, I'm hungry.
Leo: Sweat shirt again, Gabriel?

Walking home.
Giovana: Have you finished the assignment?
Leo: No, we'll finish it today.
Giovana: Ok. Bye, then.
Leo, his fingers on a Braille book: Do you see these two dots before the letter, Gabriel? It means it's a capital letter. Look, it's written, "temperature of the" Give me your hand.
Gabriel puts out his hand and Leo runs it across the Braille letters.
Leo: "Temperature of the tropical climate presents vari..." this is a hyphen... "variations ..."

In class, Leo is typing happily. He sneezes.
Gabriel: Bless you.
Leo: Thanks
Gabriel, leaning forward to speak softly into Leo's ear: Leo, I forgot my sweat shirt at your place.
Leo: Pick it up today after class.
Gabriel: I can't, I have a dentist appointment.
Leo: Then I'll bring to school tomorrow.
Gabriel: Ok, then.

Giovana walks into the classroom, which is empty except for Leo. He sneezes.
Giovana: Bless you!
Leo: Thanks!
Giovana: Where's Gabriel?
Leo: He went to the dentist.
Giovana: Gabriel, Gabriel...
Leo: What is it?
Giovana: Nothing.
Leo: Giovana, I need to talk to you.
Giovana: Go ahead.
Leo: Here's no the right place.
Giovana: What's so important you can't say here?
Leo: Nevermind.
Giovana: Now I'm curious! Tell me!
Leo: Is there anyone around?
Giovana: No, everybody has already left. (She leans forward with a happy expectant expression) Leo?
Leo: I think I'm in love with Gabriel.
Giovana's face falls and she draws away.
Leo: Did you hear what I said?
Giovana: Yeah, I did. I just don't know what to say....
Leo: Do you know now?
Giovana: What do you mean by in love?
Leo: Like "boyfriend" in love.
Giovana: Gay boyfriend?
Leo: I guess so.
A mobile phone rings.
Giovana: Leo, it's my mom calling! It's my grandma's birthday and we're having lunch at her house. I'll stop by your house afterwards! I won't even eat dessert, ok?
Leo: Ok.

Leo walks home by himself using a cane. He feels his way along the wall to his house, and feels for the keyhole to let himself in.

Leo's bedroom. He sits by the window, playing with the curtain and looking lost in thought. The door opens.
Leo: Giovana! I can't believe you left me alone after what I told you.
We see that Gabriel is the one who came into the room and is silently watching Leo speak.
Leo: I know it's not easy to hear, but I tell you that and you keep me here waiting? And I bet you ate dessert! I've been asking myself if I should've told you I'm in love with Gabriel. You're already the jealous type. What will happen now?
Gabriel smiles shyly.
Leo: Giovana?
Gabriel steps forward and kisses him, then leaves before Leo can reacts.

Later, Leo is sitting playing with a maraca looking overwhelmed, then listening to music, then lying on his bed.
Giovana: Leo, I'm sorry. I wanted to come earlier. But my aunts wouldn't stop singing happy birthday. Then, they started asking me about school, college...
Leo comes to a sudden realisation. He stands up and starts feeling around his desk.
Leo: Giovana!
Giovana: What?
Leo: Do you see a sweatshirt laying around?
Giovana: No.
Leo: Are you sure, not even under the bed?
Giovana: Nope, not even under the bed. Leo, I'm really sorry I left alone at school. Are you ok?
Leo grins.

This entry was originally posted at http://alias-sqbr.dreamwidth.org/462627.html. There are

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