Thanks to everyone who gave me prompts, they were a nice mix of things to draw.
I also drew some fanart for the vampire game I'm working on:
Isabel and Elsa on deviantART Isabel and Elsa on tumblr And now, the prompts! This is the only fic I wrote:
"Stirring" at AO3,
"Stirring" at fanfic.netInfo: G, gen, 976 words, no content notes
Fandom: Avatar: The Legend of Korra
Characters: Korra, Tenzin, Lin Bei Fong
Summary: For the prompt "Lin Bei Fong and/or Toph Bei Fong: training." Set between episodes 8 and 9.
Under the cut: Original art and fanart for Harry Potter, Pride and Prejudice/Avatar the Last Airbender, Fraggle Rock, Final Fantasy 13, and Creeks and Crawdads
A jury of his peers? at deviantART A jury of his peers? on tumblr Harry Potter:
Harry Potter the Ravenclaw on deviantART Harry Potter the Ravenclaw on tumblr (there's also one with him in Gryffindor robes but this one is better)
Pride and Prejudice/Avatar the Last Airbender:
Pride and Prejudice: Water Tribe on deviantART Pride and Prejudice: Water Tribe on tumblr Fraggle Rock:
Red Fraggle plus Sonic Screwdriver on deviantART Red Fraggle plus Sonic Screwdriver on tumblr Final Fantasy 13:
FFXIII: Serah on deviantART Serah on tumblr Creeks and Crawdads:
Portable communication device on deviantART Portable communication device on tumblr This entry was originally posted at There are