Hooray for bugs!

Jun 02, 2012 11:17

Livejournal just sent me a message letting me know I can access my scrapbook now that it's been migrated to the new system. Which surprised me, since last I heard it got wiped after my paid account expired a year or so ago. Naturally I went through and saved all the pictures I cared about before lj realise their mistake.

Most were pretty boring, but there was a collection of haircut pics which will be useful for future reference, and this image back from my working days of tommmo with a tissue box on his head saying "Me! Draw me!" and thanners saying "Argh my soul!" for reasons which made sense at the time.

Also: thanks to a Glitch glitch I got all the furniture I was playing with during the house beta for free. Some of this stuff costs real money! ..and then in the process of trying to fit it into my existing decor I decided to bite the bullet and pay for a subscription so I could make a genuinely pretty house. WELL PLAYED TINY SPECK.

Here's a picture of my prettiest room, the ground floor, which is very symmetrical with a mossy floor, sea themed wallpaper, butterflies, various tree themed decorations, and coloured storage boxes filled with herbs. (The coloured storage boxes were the only thing in this room I got for free) There's also icons on the ground, which give blessings sometimes when you walk past them.

This entry was originally posted at http://alias-sqbr.dreamwidth.org/454770.html. There are

glitch, life, photos, lj

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