(I had very broken sleep, which involved a lot of vague pondering)
In the world of Buffy etc, could you say "I invite you in as long as you're not a vampire"? Or "All welcome except vampires"?
And then I started thinking about the exact meaning of "invitation" and remembered that logic and fantasy don't necessarily mix.
Also, I had a dream where I was one of a group of tiny people from a parallel universe who got trapped on Earth. We eventually settled in a small model village in a DisneyLand-esque theme park and pretended to be little robots as part of the attraction. In the dream I thought "This is like in that movie/tv show" but on waking couldn't remember if I'd actually stolen the plot from anywhere or if I'd made it up (the "pretending to be robots" thing, the setup is rather Diggers-y)
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