Cat pouts sadly.
Me: Minnie, I'm so sorry that my best friend gaining his god like powers inadvertently gave you god like powers too. I mean, how you could you help becoming a supervillain? You have a cat's desire or power, a cat's desire to kill everything you see, a cat's....
(closeup on floral designs on cat's supervillain cloak)
Me: Wait, cats don't like...
Cat smiles an evil grin.
I wake up.
Me: Well that was odd. Hmmph, seem to be awake now, might as well get up.
*wander blearily into kitchen*
Kira: Miao!
Me: You're not a supervillain plotting some evil scheme are you?
Kira: Miao?
*I prepare her a cup of fresh water and a clean plate. I pick up the cat food box...and the lid is ajar, so that cat food spills all over the kitchen floor*
Kira: Floor candy! Nom Nom Nom ^_^
This entry was originally posted at There are