Happy Isaac Newton's birthday everyone!

Dec 25, 2011 10:36

Under the cut: various tv and books and stuff. Because apparently I am too sleepy and dizzy to surf the internet or play glitch, but am awake enough to type a post?

I took a break from Parks and Recreation for a while but have started catching up again and it's great. I also just finished season 1 of Community, which is also a lot of fun. It's about a mismatched study group at a community college, it can be a bit self consciously meta and out of character for the sake of a joke sometimes but it can also be really hilarious, and it (like Parks and Rec) doesn't fall into the usual boring sitcom cliches or archetypes (And there's actual diversity as opposed to The One Token Black Guy). The humour was a bit painful/awkward at first but has gotten nicer as the characters have become friends.

Speaking of which I've watched a little of "The New Girl", which is very much a sitcom about a bunch of guys (one of whom is black) and a girl (who is white) I didn't find it as horribly sexist as a lot of people seem to, I guess because I do actually kind of fit the sweet, absent minded, mildly eccentric girl archetype of the title character so I don't see her as JUST an archetype. It's kind of sweet, and I like the characters and the fact that that there are a variety of personalities of women in it. But Cam said it goes downhill and I don't find myself strongly motivated to keep watching.

I'm still slowly working my way through Farscape, I'm near the end of season 2. I'm enjoying it, but the acting and writing really is quite patchy.

I tried "Once Upon a Time", about a bunch of fairytale characters stuck in the modern day with no memory of their true natures and the woman who refuses to believe it's her job to save them. I really liked that it's very much a story about women, but could not get into the uncritical acceptance of fairytale tropes and ideals. Also I kept wanting to slash Emma and Snow White and then feeling squicked at myself.

mandragora2003 lent me, but did not rec exactly, the fascinating book "Brother's Price" by Wen Spencer. Imagine a patriarchal eurofantasy world. A beautiful 15 year old farmer's daughter saves the life of a 20 year old prince. When his older brother comes to pick him up he is taken with the girl and coerces her into almost but not quite having sex. The princes return home and everyone pines, then there are various shenanigans, and "true love" triumphs in the end. Now imagine ALL the genders reversed, so it's a matriarchy, 15 year old boy etc. It was SO WEIRD to read, I found the consent issues incredibly squicky but the worldbuilding was pretty good and it was certainly an interesting experience.

Now something I liked! I just read "Anya's Ghost" by Vera Broscol, which Cam got me for Christmas. I adore Vera Broscol's comics, and am really glad she's getting into telling extended stories (I was a fan of her webcomic way back when) It's a simple, effective story about a young russian immigrant to the US who just wants to fit in and has her life shaken up when she encounters a ghost.

I also got a "Miskatonic University" pendant from my friend Genevieve, I haven't decided yet if it will match the ensemble I'm planning on wearing to my parents for Christmas lunch :D

This entry was originally posted at http://alias-sqbr.dreamwidth.org/430324.html. There are

books, tv, review, rec, sff, comics, life

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