Meta, computer games, and terrible jumpers

May 12, 2011 16:34

I made a post about Political fanart at
sqbr which some of you may be interested in.

I've also updated my Redbubble store with my more recent original art.

I was linked this disturbing picture of me and the rest of the 1999 Unisfa committee at Terracon (description below). I'm the one on the back left with the APPALLING jumper, even back in the 90s people mocked me for it. It was cold, ok :P

I've been playing Portal 2, it's awesome, though I must admit I have resorted to a walkthrough now and then (I shall blame it on brainfog and ignore the fact I have always been too impatient to finish puzzle games without a walkthrough). It took a little while to stop feeling like a gratuitous sequel with nothing new to offer, but a couple of chapters in and it got really interesting, both in terms of puzzles and plot/setting etc.

Yesterday (after getting stuck on Portal 2) I decided to finally finish my third Dragon Age: Origins character, who has been most of the way through the game for months after I couldn't face a particular long unpleasant dungeon crawl again.

I got back into Ista Cousland's head pretty quickly and was quite enjoying the game until I hit the first combat. ZOMG SO BORING. And I can't find the version with cheats OH NO. So I'm waiting until Cam installs some mods I found, including one to make a "kill everything" button appear in your task bar.

Oh, choosing my icon reminded me: DAGNA <333 And ah, Leliana, it took me a while to find a character who clicked with her but Ista thinks she's the bees knees. Going around Orzamarr reminded me of just how much more varied and interesting the places are in Origins (also: LADY DWARVES OMG), even if the people are fuglier. I can see why people complain that DA2 feels small in scope plotwise as well, but in Origins it does feel a bit contrived that you end up being the One Vital Person who fixes so many huge problems for so many different people all over the country.

(*)Further information: The photo is of 6 women and three men in their late teens/early twenties. Everyone is wearing jeans and jumpers/jackets except
gelignite, who is wearing a sleeveless dress because she is a badass. Unisfa is the University of Western Australia Science Fiction Association, Terracon it's annual camp in the south west of the state.

This entry was originally posted at There are

perth, review, dragon age: 2, art, rec, fanart, me, dragon age: origins, computer games, meta, photos, portal, fandom

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