Of course they probably do on deviantART and
Tumblr (both have a transcript)
I do seem to find myself in places filled with teenagers and people in their early twenties a lot lately (specifically deviantArt, Tumblr, and Homestuck fandom). I enjoy being there well enough and really like some of the people I've met but it does make me feel terribly old. Are there any vibrant and active fanart communities that don't skew really young, even for fandom? I have a feeling I could find some if I spoke Japanese.
On the plus side (from my POV) I think older people tend to look down more on young people who come into older fannish spaces than happens with the reverse (of course there's plenty of disdain outside younger fannish spaces for anyone inside, especially older people, plus disdain amongst younger fans for anyone inside older fannish spaces, but that's typical geek hierarchy posturing) I've always tried not to judge people by their ages and have met and befriended a lot of very cool people as a result.
This entry was originally posted at
http://alias-sqbr.dreamwidth.org/378909.html. There are