Regency book recs for a young woman

Dec 29, 2008 18:39

Researching for Wedding is Desiny I came across Letters to a Young Lady on a Variety of Useful and Interesting Subjects which basically consists entirely of book recommendations. Since both of my characters read a fair bit, and I start each chapter with a quote, this is a useful resource and I went through and wrote them all down and then added links where (a) I could find something and (b) could be bothered (ie not for the bible). I skipped the Biography, Art, and guides to other countries sections because I just don't care.

Yes, making lists is like a sickness with me.

the bible
Pilgrim's progress
The koran (I would have thought not, but it's particularly recommended)
Wilson: Parochialia, his Sacra Privata
THE meditations of St. Austin
Soame Jenyns's Internal Evidence of the Christian Religion
Addison's Evidences of Christianity
Bishop of Bristol (Dr. Newton's,) discourses on the Prophecies

Retelling of bible stories:
Comtesse le Genlis
Mrs. Trimmer: Sacred History
Bishop Wilson: Saera Privata
Doddridge's paraphrase of the New Testament

Archbishop Seeker
the discourses of Sherlock
Ogden's Sermons
Archbishop Tillotson
Faringdon's Sermons
Sterne's Sermons

Other Theology:
THE Christian Pattern
Reflections on the seven Days of the Week, by Mrs Talbot
Scott: Christian Life

Sir Charles Grandison
Paradise Lost
Dryden's Virgil
translated Homer

Miss Seward
Miss Hannah More
Miss Williams: Peru
Comtesse le Genlis
Lord Lyttleton
Akenside's work on the Pleasures of Imagination
Hayley: Essay on History and on Epic Poetry, Ode to Howard, Triumph of Temper

Apparently biography is considered better than broad strokes
Goldsmith: Letters from a Nobleman to his Son, roman history
Stretche's Beauties of History
ROBERTSON'S History of Charles the fifth
ROLLIN's ancient history
Abbe Millot's Elementes sur L'Histoire

Amanitates Academica
View of the Works of Linnaeus
Mr. Pennant
Flora Londinecsis of Curtis
Hamilton, Raspe: volcanos
Swammerdam's History of Insects
Nicholson's Introduction to Natural Philosophy
Gregory's Astronomy
Ray's Wisdom
Huygen's Celestial Worlds discovered
Derham's Astro-theclugy

Tooke's Pantheon, or History of the Heathen Gods
Winkleman's reflections on the sculpture of the Greeks
Evelyn's Parallel of ancient and modern architecture
Morris's Lectures

Line which confused me:
the Spectators, Tatlers, the Guardian, the Rambler, the Adventurer, the World, &c. Addison

research, books, links, lists, history

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