Creepy Yes on Prop 8 ad

Nov 13, 2008 15:49

I know this is old news (I saw a vague reference to this on a metaquotes discussion and googled it), but I just found it really bizarre seeing an ad actively promoting homophobia. I guess it hadn't really sunk in that that's what people were doing.

Yes on 8 TV Ad: Everything To Do With Schools
I imagine the others are just as bad but that was enough for me.

Am I the only heterosexual person who would have no problem with my kids reading gay fairytales? Then again, when I was a kid we used to play pretend at being lesbians(*) so, you know... :D

(*)I'm trying to think of a way to make this sound less weird, but in retrospect, it was pretty weird. Ironically, the only boy we let play is the only one of us who ended up actually being gay, afaict. See! No harm done!

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