last night y at the Castle...

Mar 26, 2002 14:29

Well, first off, I got there late. (about 1am) I was headed out to meet my best friend Amy's sister Mandy, she needed to get out and I was supposed to "show her a good time." Fourtunetly, she managed to do well on her own sence she got there at 11pm like we planned. Took me about 15-30 mins to find her because the fucking club had soooo many people in it. I had to push my way out on the dance floor in the main room to find her where I ended up getting stuck for and bit and finally just picked her up and bolted for the exit. I have issue's with dancing for some reason and I am not sure why. Yet.

Well, almost as soon as we had a chance to say "hello, how are you, Where the hell have you been! Etc." some friends of hers that she hadn't seen in a long while where spontaneously right next to us. So I went to get water (as usual) and came back to seem them (about 5 people) still deep in conversation. So I went to mingle and meander about the club when to my amazement I see...

Carlye & Justin.....I was like "what the %$#^&*&"

Hung out with them for along time. We talked about the upcoming trip to Calf and the concert there in. They both drooled as would anyone. Justin made me drool and attempted to kill him by telling me all the many times he has seen Radiohead. (bastard saw Kid-A and B-Sides) I thought to invite them to Calf with us and Justin couldn't take the time off but Carlye could, granted with Stacia, and Amy's consent of course. I thought he was really cool about it, he didn't even bat and eye before he asked said "Well I can't go but Carlye can. It's not too much money, sure no problem" She got all kinds of giggly. It was sooo cute! I need to get a hold of my travel agent and see if we can get her a flight with ours. That would kick ass.

Well, they ended up leaving and I couldn't find Mandy. So I kinda just wondered about when I ran into and REALLY old friend. This girl named Crystal, I think I have shown Stacia pictures of her. We hadn't talked in a very long time so we gabbed for a while exchanged numbers and such.

Closing time......."you don't have to go home, but you can't stay here!"

Well, I walked Crystal and Frank to the Centro entrance and went back to the club to hangout with Robert. (Gothic F.B.I.) Oh my god the fucking scary shit that happened was unreal.

Robert and miscellaneous girl X were sitting on the window sill just to the right of the main door when a candle fell out of the club from the floor above. Now we all kinda jump in shock and saw that the candle's glass shattered near "girl x" and I looked at her and she started laughing saying "Holy shit that scared me!" followed by us both saying "ahh crap there is wax all over the place" she said this first. But about 30 secs later she says "ahh man its all over my shoes." I bend over to look and her shoe and at the same time we both FREAKED! There was SOOO MUCH BLOOD. She was gushing! She couldn't even feel it at all. I run into the club to get Tia because little is it known, but Tia used to be a nurse. I think she was a nurse for like 6 years. Anyways, she yells to bring her in side so I ran out there and Robert and I carry her in. We sit her down and Tia gets the First Aid kit. The trail of blood was unbelievable. I grave a huge stack of napkins and run it to her foot, she removes her hand and a 2 inch high arch of blood is pumping out of her foot from an opening about half an inch big. I cover her in napkins and start to take the one strap off her shoe and remove it. There was a pool of blood in it. Poor girl says "Oh no my shoes!" followed by a quick witted remark from Robert, "Don't blood washes off of vinyl easily, I would know." We all started laughing...

Tia came back and screamed for everyone to get out of her way.

The girl was ok afterward. No ambulance just a trip to hospital for stitches I'm sure.

After that I went home......very disturbed
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