A few weeks back after the whole Chicago episode my dear friend nordmaedchen and I decided to make a pretty MiSa mood theme. Here I am finally getting around to sharing it with you good people.
I'm totally d/l-ing this. I love that you've made this, because I've been looking for one. A while back, (a few months ago, I think it was), I noticed that someone else had made one. But, when I went to try and find it, I couldn't. So, I'm really glad that you posted this one. It'll definitely go with my new layout for my journal, once everythings up and all that.
Promise proper credit in my user info when in use. ;)
Hello. I got this too. I can tell you that I have found a moodtheme by euterpeslullaby one by sarkluver but both were MiSa and then there is a Sarah Wayne Callies one that I have found through cathartic_prose. Hope this helps.
And to the posters of this moodtheme dont worry if used you will get your credit. May I suggest you aslo xpost a link to this post at fandom_moods ? They would absolutely love it because they specialise in exaclty that tag the themes and also place them in memories which makes it easier for ppl to find them.
Thanks a lot for the links to the other moodthemes. I hadn't been able to remember exactly where they had been posted, and then there was one PB moodtheme (I think it was Michael/Sara) that I was going to d/l and the link had expired. So, when I left a comment asking if the person would re-upload (which they said to ask if the link expired), I never got a comment back and I couldn't remember where to go back. lol.
So, yeah, it was working against me. But, thanks a lot.
Hello again. You are very welcome. No one remembers when they get icons and moodthemes etc which is why credit is so nessesary I think. Yes it is important to acknowledge ppls time and effort (lets not forget that fandoms are hobbies), but also its helpfull because it enables us to keep track of who's work we like and where to find similar styles more than anything. Anyway I am now at work - although off work , obviously since I am in here - and I was thinking that if you were looking of one of the three I mentioned I might have them on my HD at home so I might be able to re up the folder for you per sey... Was the one that had expired one of the three I told you about?
Hi, thanks a lot for your offer. I really do appreciate it, but I can't find the first one that you mentioned or the second one. And I never was able to find any of the ones that you mentioned to me. I even checked memories and all that, so I don't know what gives.
I'd like to have at least one of the other M/S ones you mentioned and the SWC one. And I get what you're saying about people not remembering where they get icons or moodthemes, but that's totally not me. I always rememer to give credit where it's due. When I save things, I save it with usually the name of the person who made what in the file name - so that way I'll be able to make sure I give the proper credit.
Aw, thanks a lot. I think, zuppit made it, if I'm correct. If you look at my userpics, then you'll be able to see the credit. ;)
I adore SWC as well and I'm actually working on a large picspam of her that I'm going to be posting within the next week and a half. *g* It just seems like a fun thing to do.
And I love chatting about M/S and all that good stuff. Mind if I friend you? You seem like a really cool person and hey, you like M/S and SWC and I totally need more fans of them on my f-list. ;)
Yay, thanks a lot. I wanted to ask you first, before I just went ahead and did it. But having more SWC and PB fans on my f-list, is definitely of the plus. Esp. when they're really cool and neat like you. ;)
MiSa Moodtheme I found for you by stephi-crow. And one Michael Scofield one over here by __diva_graphics. I also found the Sarkluver one which should be located somewhere around here
Hey I am sorry I asked about the credit. I didnt want you to credit me by mistake. Ill look for the other ones for you tommorow ok?
Aw, well thank you for the links to the M/S theme by stephi-crow, she's actually on my f-list. She's a really cool person and also, thanks for the Michael one and the other one by Sarkluver. *g*
Oh, and don't worry about asking about the credit. I didn't take offense to it, lol. I just wanted to let you know that I knew not to credit you and that I always did give credit. No rush on the others, just whenever you get the chance. ;)
Oh I am sorry I didn't know that part about Stephi_Crow being your friend. Well still I went looking when I came home and honestly this is the last one I have. As for Stephi she must be cool since she obviously likes MiSa. Hey anyone who loves PB is ok in my book.
I hope you find one among them that is to your liking. Although I must say the one in this post looks fantastic.
Promise proper credit in my user info when in use. ;)
And to the posters of this moodtheme dont worry if used you will get your credit. May I suggest you aslo xpost a link to this post at fandom_moods ? They would absolutely love it because they specialise in exaclty that tag the themes and also place them in memories which makes it easier for ppl to find them.
So, yeah, it was working against me. But, thanks a lot.
I'd like to have at least one of the other M/S ones you mentioned and the SWC one. And I get what you're saying about people not remembering where they get icons or moodthemes, but that's totally not me. I always rememer to give credit where it's due. When I save things, I save it with usually the name of the person who made what in the file name - so that way I'll be able to make sure I give the proper credit.
am loving having people chat on my LJ btw :) it's like a mini misa community *g*
I adore SWC as well and I'm actually working on a large picspam of her that I'm going to be posting within the next week and a half. *g* It just seems like a fun thing to do.
And I love chatting about M/S and all that good stuff. Mind if I friend you? You seem like a really cool person and hey, you like M/S and SWC and I totally need more fans of them on my f-list. ;)
sure you can friend me - i need more PB friends!! :)
Hey I have no problems with MiSa communities and discussions no matter what their size. ;)
Hey I am sorry I asked about the credit. I didnt want you to credit me by mistake. Ill look for the other ones for you tommorow ok?
Oh, and don't worry about asking about the credit. I didn't take offense to it, lol. I just wanted to let you know that I knew not to credit you and that I always did give credit. No rush on the others, just whenever you get the chance. ;)
I hope you find one among them that is to your liking. Although I must say the one in this post looks fantastic.
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