I had some time yesterday so was playing around with PS CS2. I am very new to the full PS package (I always used elements in the past) and am not comfortable with it yet at all. I was experimenting with filling shapes and practising
intodelirium's color tutorial again (love you sweetie). Feel free to use if you like or comment. :) Pictures are from 3.01 and 3.03. and although the first four are from my header I am putting the icons behind the cut in case you didn't see the episodes yet and don't wanna get spoiled.
credit me if you use.
I must give credit for #4 to
intodelirium as the image was colorised by her. *hugs*
thanks and I know 9 icons is a cop out but I am hoping this will awake my muse and that as I get over my fear of PS CS2 I can make more icons.