Aliases Ficathon Entries

Sep 14, 2006 10:47

It's the day for stories in the Aliases Ficathon, in which people proposed disguises for the characters and every writer came up with a plot to fit. The entries will be added behind the tag as people comment. Have fun reading!

"Subterranean Homesick Blues" by yahtzee63 for selenak: Jack's hair-raising first undercover mission in 1970.

"Gift With Purchase" by andi_horton for midorinomizu: Poor Rachel, one of these days she'll get an alias with a comfortable costume. Just not today.

"Thimblerig" by avarill for kerlin: A madcap waltz in three movements.

"Friendly Skies" by sunshine_queen for superswank: “So… out of all of you guys… I’m the one that has to go.” “Like you aren’t totally into the spy stuff."

"Spies on a Plane" by delordra for natushka: Given the title, it should be clear that this fic is about the existential nature of man. (J/I)

"Just One of Those Things" by kerlin for sunshine_queen: Boys will be boys.

"When We Dance" by melanie_anne for delordra: Jack, Irina, the French Riviera.

"We've Got to Stop Meeting Like This" by izhilzha for aricadavidson: Weiss has been left out of the loop before, but this really takes the cake. . . .

"Able Seamen" by kangeiko for yahtzee63: Jack and Arvin and getting acquainted. On a boat. With champagne. Yes.

"'Tis You Must Go and I Must Bide" by joylee56 for avarill: An interlude, musical and otherwise.

"There Should Be a Warning Label That Goes With Pregnant Women" by natushka for andi_horton: "They won’t frisk a pregnant woman.”

"Catch as Catch Can" by midorinomizu for queenspanky: ...a rodeo term meaning, basically, to use whatever tricks necessary to rope a calf.

"Sacrificium" by selenak for kangeiko: “You’ll be posing as some kind of refined scholar in clerical gear, surrounded by monks all the time, while I’m a drug smuggling pilot trying to work for a trigger-happy cokehead who is employed by for the richest killer in Colombia?”

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