X-posted to
girlslash, and
alias_slash. Thought I'd share...
Title: Work and Play: Part V
Fandom: Alias
Characters/Pairings: Lauren/Syd
Summary: Lauren leaves Sydney with some very questionable company.
Spoilers: Season 3
Rating/Warnings: PG - for mature themes and language.
Genre: General/Adventure
Dedication To slash writers everywhere.
Feedback/Archiving: To ask would be very lovely.
Disclaimer: Characters aren't mine, except for the Reaper, the IT guy Raimes, Lauren's "men" and the evil doctors of the underground facility; I don't own the show because if I did, a lot of naughtiness would ensue.
Chapters so far:
Part I: A Day at Work
Part II: Meeting the Reaper
Part III: Surprises
Part IV: The Futility of Escape
Part V: Depositing the Package
Part VI & VII: Playing God & Apart from the Plan