Hello everyone who reads this. I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while. I haven't had anything to write about, but now, I do. Yay! Anyways, here's a little quiz thingy barrowed from Stillstar.
First grade teacher's name: Mrs. Wester
Last word you said: computer
Last song you sang: Here Comes The Flood
What's in your cd player?: A burned CD compliments of mwa
What colour socks are you wearing?: I'm not wearing any
What's under your bed?: my beds aren't set up since we just moved
What time did you wake up at today?: 5:15 AM
Where do you want to go?: California
What is your career going to be?: soemthing in the pperformance field
Where are you going to live?: see above
How many kids do you want?: 3
What kind of car will you have?: a Lincoln Town Car, black, or a BMW SUV, Navy Blue
Current mood: jottled
Current music: Under The Gun
current taste: Mountain Dew Dr.Pepper suicide
current hair: ponytail
Current clothes: baby blue shorts, Dixie Outfitters shirt
Current annoyance: my parents
Current smell: Fritos
Current longing: um...
Current desktop picture: Jennifer Garner
Current favourite artist, music: too many
Current colour of toenails: clear
Current crush: ****** Scott
Current time-wasting wish: for my kitty to live
Current hate: amazingly, none.
OK, me again. I get out of school Friday! Yay! A summer to make moolah. $140 a month, not much, but better than $40. My kitty is sick. He's in ***** County at the vet. None of the vets out here knew about hte disease he had, so we hadda go back to the vet who treated our other cats who had it. It's some bob-cat born disease, then a tick bites the bob-cat, then a domestic-cat, and if you don't act quickly, the domestic cat dies. My ca is a siamese mix, and he has siamise eyes (blue). When we took him to the vet, they were darker than grass green. Scary. Anyways, if there are any Alias or Jennifer Garner fans out there, check out my site:
http://alias_addict.tripod.com/jennifergarner. Keep checking back, I'll be updating often. I got new shoes yesterday! They're Capezio Dancesneakers. My old shoes just broke a week before recital(Poo on them), and a dance team I'm trying out for soon is gonna have sneakers, so my mom figured, what the hell and bought me some. Yay! Well, there really isen't much more to update about. I will be better about updating, I promise!