Winterval Is Upon Us!

Dec 01, 2011 17:19

I joined pulped_fictions 3 years ago for Pulplympics after a long hiatus from writing, and its been such an amazing, supportive experience. Even though my flist is composed entirely of pf-ers and you a re doubtless feeling spammed to death by now, here is my Candy Cane Pimp:

Click to join!
You will have the chance to stretch and show off your original fic and art in many different ways. But while all these other Candy Cane Pimpers are doubtless impressing upon you how much fun you'll have and how wonderful you all are, I am appealing to the SYMPATHY vote. Because I'm currently posting this from the Emergency Room of Northwestern Hospital where I am now in Hour 4 of the most out of control doctor's visit in my life. I had a bad cough, they gave me an albuterol treatment, my body went into shock and I crawled into the hallway to beg for help before I lost my vision and all ability to move my limbs! And I am so devoted to my comm that as I sit here in the examining bay, the first thing I think to do is Pimp my comm! Well, and whinge. There is whinging.

I went in for a cough!!!! And now I'm wearing a gown that doesn't close in the back and typing with no less than 6 monitors attached to me. (Realistically, if you weren't motivated to sign up for Winterval by now, guilt had hardly hurt. You could also request my team, the woolly_mittens if you felt so inclined.)

Peace. And stay healthy! (Obviously I feel better, although I am still coughing.)
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