we'll leave with the sunrise...

May 10, 2005 19:21

so yesterday was an exciting day- my first day of work followed by a hangout session with cara. first she got here and we discussed the evenings endless possibilities and eventually we decided to go on a walking adventure to abbeys. this was of course followed by mcdonalds happy meals in order to be child-like, which may or may not have been the cause of some sickness later on. on that happy meal note, i was not impressed with my toy. it was like a general today for a boy or a girl- a stuffed puppy dog. who wants that. i wanted a princess, damnit. then..... to make up for the child behavior it was off to an R RATED MOVIE hell yeah thats right.... amittyville horror (never sleeping again) and then home to sleep slash not sleep. it was okay though because despite the fact that i was dreaming about psychotic murderers and scary houses, i had cara to spoon with until she got up yea probably at 315 (yeah no she didnt but that was the key time in amittyville. which some people may or may not be able to pronounce.. ahem) so anyway. back to bed then to work today.

yesterday at work i met a jehovas witness and after minimal conversing found out that they dont date outside of their religion, which obviously means no prom. i also heard that they don't believe in parties. how much fun can that be? i dont know man. i also accidently unlocked slash half walked in on two people in the fitting rooms. so a big apology goes out to you random middle aged women. (blush)

on another, maybe final yesterday note, it has been decided anonymously that anytime someone is bored, you must immediately begin jogging in place. utility belt not mandatory but suggested. (you need somewhere to put your sweat bands. these ones are not fashion oriented kids, youll need them for the sweat you work up while jogging!) also, if jogging in place just isnt your style, you can jog in place naked. or you can drop and give... someone.. 20. naked. yeah, i dont know whats up with all the nakedness but figure itll prove for some entertainment for anyone else around if nothing else. yeah, and most likely if theres a camera at hand you will be blackmailed at some point. who woudlnt want a 20 second video tape of someone jogging in place with a utility belt? well.. i would but then i guess that's just me.

happy happy happy
vaya con dios,
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