Title: An Ordinary Life
Author: Melanie-Anne
Rating: K
Disclaimer: Not my characters, alas.
A/N: For
alias500 challenge "over dinner"
It's over a slightly burned plate of macaroni cheese, in the kitchen of an apartment that's too small for three people, a baby crying in the background, that Jack Bristow smiles at her and she forgets this is just a role.
They told her before she left that this was a long-term assignment. They warned her that she would probably start to develop feelings for her mark and that she should constantly be on guard against losing touch of who she was.
She told them she could handle it. Full of self-confidence, excitement (and maybe a hint of apprehension which she would never admit to anyone) she'd set foot in America. So young, so full of ideals.
In reality, four years down the line, she has a husband, a child and a Masters degree.
She likes her life.
She likes waking up in Jack's arms every morning. She likes that every now and then he surprises her by cooking dinner (even though he doesn't cook very well). She likes the way her daughter smiles when she hears her voice.
She can forget that her daughter was never supposed to be born. She can forget that she was almost pulled out of her assignment. She can forget that she was sent here to spy on the man she now loves.
(And on the occasions when she remembers who she is, she thinks how easy it would be to choose to forget it all. To believe this is who she really is.)
A phone call interrupts dinner. She answers; relieved her back is to Jack when the caller greets her in Russian. She forces a cheerful note into her voice and says, "Oh, I'm so sorry, you've got the wrong number."
Her assignment has been extended, her handler tells her. Tomorrow she is to go to the hotel where they usually meet to receive more details.
She closes her eyes, wary at what cost they will ask in return for allowing her to stay here longer. She hangs up and turns back to her husband. She picks up Sydney.
"Kiss Daddy goodnight." Sydney's eyes dart to her father then back to her mother. Jack places a kiss on Sydney's forehead.
"Good night, sweetheart."
She carries the child close to her chest, and thinks one day she will look back on this night and remember how happy they all were. After she puts Sydney to bed, she returns to the kitchen and leans against the doorframe.
"The baby's asleep."
He stands, reaching for her.
(Tonight she chooses to forget.)