AU Bingo ficlet: "Military Lab"

Feb 28, 2011 23:16

This one is for the au_bingo prompt "Other: Military," for which I pulled out a prompt from a meme I did in, like, 2006 or something. I am no doubt the only one who remembers it, but other spyrent fans might enjoy. No real spoilage.

Military Lab )

misc fic, author: yahtzee

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Comments 16

violaswamp March 1 2011, 05:32:31 UTC
This is just plain HOT.


yahtzee63 March 1 2011, 06:06:20 UTC
Thanks muchly! The spyrents bring the sizzle.


sunshine_queen March 1 2011, 06:31:46 UTC
This is fantastic- so them!


yahtzee63 March 1 2011, 07:01:27 UTC
So glad you like!


pellucid March 1 2011, 13:43:03 UTC
Nice! Particularly love the image of the translucent glass dividers--oh, indeed!


yahtzee63 March 1 2011, 14:56:28 UTC
I think something about the S2 cage will have fetishized glass dividers for all J/I fans, everywhere, always.


moonspinner March 1 2011, 13:47:21 UTC
*fans self* Woah!


yahtzee63 March 1 2011, 14:56:45 UTC
Glad you like!


cassi0pei4 March 1 2011, 13:56:52 UTC
When I checked my friends page and saw that there was not one but *two* new au_bingo fics, my day got infinitely better. :)

God, this is fabulous. I love all the defense and cold war references, especially given that the idea of needing a defense against sexual chemistry is so apt for the spyrents. Now I'm wondering what Sloane is up to (I'm thinking, bureaucrat who gets the lab funding from the government and secretly funnels some to Irina's work while being Jack's close friend?) and whether Sydney exists in this AU. Anyways, this was wonderful.


yahtzee63 March 1 2011, 14:58:22 UTC
Yay, I'm so happy you enjoyed! And yes, J/I is so thrilling because you know they connect more when they're fighting, not less.

Yes, last night was AU Bingo deadline. I had to hustle!


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