Response to challenge crossovers

Dec 22, 2008 20:10

I don't know how I did this, but I just did. And I don't know if this works either. lol
An Alias-Battlestar Galactica crossover.
Post-Epiphanies for BSG and post-s3 for Alias.
A little over 500 words too. XD

Reflection )

author: derevko child, challenge: crossovers

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Comments 2

yahtzee63 December 31 2008, 03:46:35 UTC
Oooh, interesting. The whole idea of BSG as a torture device works maybe a little too well.

And you know, I've always thought Laura Roslin/Jack Bristow would be an interesting pairing.


derevko_child December 31 2008, 12:22:43 UTC
Well, I still don't what I was thinking (or what I was doing) while I was writing this. XD

Ooh, Laura Roslin/Jack Bristow. I could imagine Jack doing the torturing and Roslin going all airlock crazy. Or you know, they'd plan about quashing a destablization plot within the fleet.


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