Response to challenge #70, c'est la vie (season 2 drabble)

May 02, 2005 19:25

One Hit Wonder

C'est la vie, that's just the way it goes...

The song follows Syd everywhere she goes--the grocery store, the salon, in the car on the way to work. She remembers hearing it when she was a child, but she never paid much attention to it. One hit wonder.

C'est la vie...that's life.

Sometimes she catches them stealing a kiss at his desk, and she starts humming. Slips on her headphones as they walk past, holding hands. Writes lyrics in the margins of her op-tech notes; they're sitting side by side. That's life, all right. Lauren's life.

The life that should have been hers.

Author's note: song lyrics from C'est La Vie by Robbie Neville
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