Jan 19, 2008 01:46
Wow it saved this from before Christmas!!
So I'm at home for Christmas. Brought the boyfriend us to meet the parents and sister - went well, except apparently yesterday my mum tried to get me up and i wasn't in my room. Ho hum. I was literally honestly having a cuddle after waking up early. JUST a cuddle. Really. Well I might have dozed a bit too. They like him, he likes them, and there may be a dowry if we ask nicely. Or, as my dad put it, blackmail money to persuade someone to take me off his hands. Hehe.
Today there is an evening service and a watchnight service. Shame they'll be the same, really. Mince pies good though, so I could still be tempted to both. Distressing lack of snow, but we (okay, I) did get to slide about on the ice on Saturday.
My poor boobooed thumb is healing nicely, and shouldn't scar much. I'd like it to stop itching sometime right about now. I just want the stitches out so it doesn't hurt when I bend it. And I'd like proper feeling back at some point in the next few months. Go nerves! Regrow! Woo!
New year plans - will be in Edinburgh with Allan and his friends, since they're nice, and probably more fun than mine, and I don't enjoy spending time in Colin's company despite having Allan for back-up. So yes, new friends = good. They're even Facebook friends, so they must really like me...
No doubt I'll have little to no internet access until I'm back down, and no doubt I'll fall out with Sarah. She was annoying yesterday after only 24 hours in her company. Great. I love Christmas. Elizabeth is coming up today, despite missing her 8 o'clock bus from Edinburgh to Glasgow. Idiot. If she reads this she'll tell me off, but come on, even I managed to get the 8 o'clock bus on time.