Intro post?

Oct 01, 2010 02:00

I'm Alianne. Hi. *waves awkwardly*. I'm a chronic LJ Lurker. I write and rarely post. Fic is over at Twitter at LJ is, well, here. I'm trying something new. We'll see how it goes.

I'm a college senior. I do theatre things. I sing. I write. I live, laugh, and love. I have an ever-increasing list of things that make me happy. I live with three of my sorority sisters and a theatre-friend. I want a dog or a kitten, but my friends live down the street and they have a cat.

I stay up later than I should and bite off more than I can chew. I never get enough sleep and I usually try to do my bestest at everything. I watch sci-fi, action movies, and more British TV than I should. The TV show that makes me cry every time is Extreme Home Makeover. My guilty pleasures are Bachelor Pad and Brothers and Sisters. I re-read Harry Potter and Eragon when I need to chill, and have re-discovered the Obernewtyn series.

I like sparkles and glitter and dancing in the rain. I'm eclectic and eccentric and excitable and am unapologetic for any of it.

I hope you stick around!

blanketfort is a home, z_eyes wide shut, intropost, all about me, college

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