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Jun 15, 2006 16:04

We're now in Texas, and therefore only a couple of hours shy of our final driving destination; Austin. Originally we'd planned to continue the 'Tin-Foil Hat' leg of the trip by going to see the book depository/grassy knoll etc in Dallas itself, but after getting stuck in a huge traffic jam on the interstate for a long time (curious how you never get stuck in a traffic jam unless you're already desperate for the toilet) we decided to leave that til tomorrow.

As an aside, I would have to say that Texas has without a doubt the worst tasting tap water of anywhere I've ever been. Even the bore water in Australia (which we were advised not to drink, but did anyway) tastes like Evian alongside it. Most unpleasant.

We did some booking ahead this morning, sorting out not only tonight's accommdation, but also for Austin as well. It was only after we'd done it that we realised that we now have every single night between now and our arrival back home booked. That was quite a weird thought. Suddenly the end of the trip doesn't seem very far away.
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