Nov 06, 2002 18:07
I had to borrow three dollars off joel to come and sit here for 25 minutes, because I can't afford to do it myself. :( This place really sucks. It says its '$3 an hour' but you come inside and its $3 for 25 minutes. I hate it. >( I'm going back to the other place tomorrow. This one was just closer to my bus stop.
I went to see Dr. Beech (My psychiatrist) yesterday and he trippled my medication. Joy. Too bad I've stopped taking it. I should start though. My mood has been so fucked the past few days. :( I'm mood swinging like nothing, and the darkness has come back. I fall into tears at the drop of a hat. I hate it.
To make myself feel better, I went to The Beat last night. >)~ ::drools:: The Beat has got to be in my top five favourite clubs. Along side.. The Velvet Bat, Faith, Dungeon Bar, Dark Entries... and maybe if I was feeling better I would put the Basement in there too. I'm going to the basement tonight, Kitten is going to pay for my entry. I hate having people pay for shit for me but its better than going home and listeing to Gary crap on about sexist shit.
It was funny to start with but now it just gets on my nerves. Its making me want to cry sometimes, because I want to get out of that place but I just can't. I have no where else to go. I'm trying to get into a place together with Sam. We think once he starts getting paid again we can afford a two bedroom place in West End. Until then, its living with these annoying morons in Red Hill. At least one of the fucks me.
BUT NO. Not anymore. James' penis broke. It was the most disturbing experience of my sex life and I don't think I will be having sex for a few moths to come. ;___; Someone hold me. Please. ::crys:: I couldn't sleep last night because I just kept thinking of it.
But for most of last night I was in tears. If I say why I'm just going to end up sounding pathetic. Its still Jonathan. I've come to the conclusion that nomatter how much of an ass he was to me, i love him. I didn't love him when I was 'dating' him. But now I realise that I do. I can't get over him nomatter how hard I try. I think about him constantly. I walk pointlessly around the Valley in hopes of seeing him. And when I do see him I'm either an ass to him or just turn the other way to go and be sick somewhere.
And oh my god. I just realised the asian guy sitting next to me is looking at gay porn. The guy on the other side of me is looking at normal porn. Oh god. I think I should go. Bye.