Oct 10, 2002 09:26
I made a huge update in my other LJ yesterday, so I decided against doing one here as well, you know.. effort and stuff.
It was mostly depressing, me talking about hwo I'm dieing and stuff. I've been urinating blood for the past two weeks, so it is my hope that I've contracted some kind of fatal disease. So if I suddenly stop coming online, even for the short periods htat I do, you know why!
I broke up with Jonathan. Adn then got back together with him. And then we broke up again.. And made up... again... And now we're fighting. I do so love my life.
Last night I putting acid shit on my arms to remove all the hair, but it wasn't working too well, it was just thinning the hair out. I was on the phone to Bianca while I was waiting for it to burn the hair out, and I was bitching to her about hwo it wasnt' working. She told me to use hydrochloric acid.
Me: OK!
Needless to say, I'm now missing quite a lot of skin on my left arm, and It's really quite painful. I don't suggest you try this at home kiddies... But on the street is just fine!
Save the planet, Kill yourselves.
But anyhow, it worked. I now have no hair (or skin) on my left arm. Yay. I also waxed off my eyebrows, and just about every other hair on my body. I feel soooo smoooooth. Jonathan likes it with less hair. >)
I shall let no man born to a woman break my shag-me band.
LAAAAAAAAAAAALALALALALALA. So fuckers, what have you all been up to? Why is it, that when a really popular person makes a post, they get heaps of comments, and whne I make a post with some ACTUAL MEANING, I get nothing. NO OFFENSE OR ANYTHING, ALANIA.... But WHAT was with that cheese post crap?!
I hate hate humans. They make me so angry sometimes. Why did I even target Alania? I like her! She's one of hte few people I do like! Who else do I like... I like Kelci.. And Tina... And Dae... And Alania... And whoever superflously (sp?) is.... and.... Yeah... that would be about it. The rest of you its more of a tolerance thing than a like thing. I dunno. If you feel offended that you've been left off that rather SMALL list for any reason or another, by all means post a comment and I will tell you if I like you. Chris, don't waste your time you bloated little lump.
I like spider webs.
Hannah, a mighty pirate.