so early!

May 20, 2004 08:03

Wow so I have a complete inability to sleep past 6:30 anymore. It probably has a lot to do with the fact that everyone in my house is up by then and running about. Also I'm just weird I guess. But it's all good because I'm drinking my great coffee/latte (it's not really a latte because well...I made it and the foam wasn't totally working out). I did learn how to use the ultra complicated coffee machine though! It took a few days....
Also my internet now work! I know allison that there is still no excuse for my aim absences but at least now I can use im on my own computer. AND my mini iPod finally plays music!! THAT was the biggest breakthrough of my life. I still have no idea how most of it works but you least some sound comes out of it now. Unfortunately all the software is on my dad's computer because my operating system is apparently obsolete...stupid Me....geez one off (only 2000 and xp are recognized now).
What else is going on? Hmm....yesterday was really fun. I'm so much more relaxed now that I'm home. Really it's so therapeutic. I've returned to my normal self and it feels soooo great! I went to lunch with my dad yesterday though at the Nordstrom's Cafe which was actually kind of hilarious because it was all the 'ladies who lunch' crowd with all their shoe bags and various other shopping bags. It was fun though...although it ended with me being in the galleria and with someone who has been so deprived of shopping for so long....not good. I think I am going to be single handedly responsible for the economy's revival.
Ok this is getting kind of long but I have nothing else to do...I mean it's 8 AM!!! I also went to hear Mary Robinson speak yesterday..she's the ex-president of Ireland and now is the High Commissioner (or something along those lines) for the UN committee on Human Rights. She was interesting but not the best speaker...I'm very very picky after Ehud Barak!
Well I'm do what I don't know....but I'm in a great mood because of my huge cup of coffee (really tall tall glass) and my grades which are surprisingly better than I thought...truly I'm rather still in shock upon learning that I am not failing out of school! so yay! hmm...maybe I'll make cookies! Adios
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