Today was the first working day of the new year. Not much really changed - all was quiet as a lot of people are still on holiday. My boss left my desk covered with half-finished post-it notes about things I need to do before she gets back at the end of this month. At least I have some mysteries to solve!
As for the other half of my work, I'm still waiting to find out what the cryptic set of numbers I received at the end of last year means... Other than that I only get paid for that half of my work during uni teaching weeks. Just when I'd got used to having money again. At least I still have some work there though - a lot of people were 'persuaded' to take voluntary redundancy. Sometimes I think that staying at the bottom of the academic tree can be a good thing.
Yesterday was good too. Richard was at work while I had my last day off of the holiday, so I did a big vacuum and clean of the house. There's still plenty to be done, but I feel better anyway.
I've spent half the break lounging around eating too much sugar, and much of the rest doing the New York City Ballet Workout. I've had the DVD for a while but kept putting it off after a friend said it was complicated. Thankfully I found it to be just the right level for me, and including lots of my favourite exercises, so I'm starting to get my ballet technique back. One general class a week isn't really enough to keep it going. Now I'm really keen to start pointe work, but finding vegan pointe shoes is a whole new challenge which I haven't had much success with yet, but here's hoping.
Finally, while I'm not the best at updating this blog, I've decided to take part in the 365 Project, uploading a photo each day. I'm not the best photographer, but it's a bit of a challenge and hopefully you can keep track of what I'm up to too... You can check it out here: Feel free to leave comments there too...
Happy New Year!