Mar 18, 2004 18:24
I feel that the people whose livejournals I read should update more often. I get all excited every day to read their journals and recently no one updates anymore. So you're all sooooo busy. WELL! I know I never update but today I am doing it in the interest of promoting updates by others. Update your journals for my entertainment and interest!!!!
In the meantime, I will bore you with news of my day.
I woke up this morning at 9AM to the horrible sound of my alarm. Then Axel pressed the Snooze button and I went back to sleep. Then it went off again and I decided to permanently turn it off so that I would not have to wake up. That's right; I skipped my hormones and behaviour class, which was at 10:05AM. Well, while peacefully dreaming into the later hours of the morning, I realized that I had arranged to meet my partner with whom I am working on the hormones and behaviour project (really HARD project) directly after class... So I got up at about 10:35 or so and ate my breakfast and all that stuff you do in the morning. I know most of you don't eat breakfast, but since I am on a diet I have become addicted to my morning meal of All Bran Bran Flakes with milk. It's VERY tasty.
I'm starting a new paragraph now because certain people don't recognize my amazing English abilities and thus my right to take artistic license with syntax and structure, and actually expect me to use paragraphs. So here it is.
Axel took his sweet time getting ready so by the time I got to class right at the end of class time, my partner was no longer there. I called her cell phone while walking to the library; she told me that she would rather spend today working on the personality assignment that we both have to do (independently) for tomorrow (it's SO irritating and hard) and would like to meet tomorrow instead once that has been handed in. I, however, felt somewhat anxious about the hormones and behaviour project since it is worth significantly more of my mark for that class so I tried to work on in for an hour or so in the library anyway... It was REALLY frustrating because we're expected to evaluate this psychological study and I really don't know how to do this. The researchers used like a billion statistical measures and I don't even want to go there because I don't know enough about statistics to say whether they did a good job or not. The other problem is that the study we are doing is quite good, so I can't find much wrong with it... The OTHER problem is that we need other studies on a similar topic to back up our opinion and pretty much every study ever done on this topic was done by these same, dumb researchers. So I worked on it but basically got nowhere.
I realized that it was 1:30 and my next class was in one hour, so I felt this was an appropriate time to walk to Subway and buy a turkey sub for lunch, and that is exactly what I did. While I ate, I decided to be productive and start reading today's chapter from my behavioural neuroscience book in preparation for the midterm on Monday. It was actually pretty interesting so this amused me for the time being. When I finished eating, I proceeded back to the main campus to go to my cognition class.
While I was waiting for class to start, I ran into this guy I know from my study group, so I ended up sitting at the very front of the room where most of my study group tends to sit. I hate sitting there; I like to sit on the side in the middle. The front sucks. Anyway, that is irrelevant. So then we had a guest lecturer talking about bilingualism acquired in children (who are bilingual from language acquisition, they have 2 first languages). It was pretty interesting but then at the end of class the DUMBEST QUESTION ever got asked... This guy was talking all about how he feels he is multilingual despite that he only speaks English because he considers himself to be basically talking a different language when he speaks to children, or speaks about a specific subject like science, or philosophy, etc... Since they use different terms I guess. It was so dumb, and I felt bad for the prof lecturing because he had given this good lecture only to be accosted by an idiot's dumbass question.
After class I went to meet Teresa, this girl I worked on a project with for my Bible and Western Culture class last week. When she found out that we also share Personality class, she asked me to meet her so we could talk about the assignment for that... So we talked about it, and came to the conclusion that it's hard and stupid basically... but somewhat interesting. I'm pretty worried because I still havent't done it and am now procrastinating about it by writing this long useless entry. By the way, if you read this and feel you wasted your time, that's your problem and I don't care. Please don't tell me about how I could make my entries more interesting or about how you only want to hear about super fantastic exceptional stuff that happens. Just don't read it if you have a problem.
Ok so then this other guy I know from my study group came into our little study room and we talked about the assignment more... then Teresa left and the two of us talked about honours psychology and how to get into honours psychology and whether we're going to get in or not and how to get research positions over the summer and stuff like that... I think about this stuff a lot lately...
We decided it was time to get to work on the personality assignment so I went home... Oh first I actually bought a new notebook and also the novel Such a Long Journey by Rohinton Mistry... so I'd have something to read on the bus now that I've finished Lord of the Rings. THEN I went home and pondered over what to make for dinner. I decided to make salmon despite that it might make me fat and I am on a diet... So it is presently cooking.
I should really do my assignment now, but it's so multi-faceted. I'm not going to say what it is because people will just think it's easy but it's really not!! So that is my account of my day.
I hope you all update your journal entries soon. Or I'll do this again. And if you DO update your journal, I may reward you with a more thought-provoking entry in the near future... I'll tell you all about something interesting... like why I think that new law in France is bad, or how dumb designers can't make decent doors, or about how Jamie Lee Curtis is a hermaphrodite, or my opinion on Mel Gibson's portrayal of Jesus... or something..
ok goodbye,