Beaches and Cars

Apr 30, 2012 22:12

A/N: So I went to the beach the other day.


Jessica loved the adrenaline rush of racing. It was competitive, fun, and almost illegal- nothing was better than that.

But right now, she was in class, staring down at her neatly written formulas for her Calculus class being bored as fuck. They were supposed to have a test today but the teacher was absent and the substitute claimed to have no plans for the day.

Glancing beside her she made eye contact with the odd, but pretty girl of the class. This pale, raven-headed girl always had a book with her, and once she was even strange enough to have a dictionary for free-reading.

At first Jessica thought she was intriguing and tried sparking up a conversation with her, but the other girl, Tiffany, only gave curt answers so she backed off. Only now did she care enough to try again.

"Hey, talk to me." Jessica turned her body sideways, placing her chin on her fist while directing her whole attention to the pretty girl.

Tiffany looked up at her startled, as if she'd just been woken up, "Yes?"

Jessica's eyebrows furrowed, "I didn't ask you anything, I sai talk to me. Tell me what you're doing over the weekend or something." She continued staring expectantly as Tiffany looked down and back at her book hesitantly before speaking.

"Reading... and sleeping." Her reply was short, but it was more than enough for Jessica to start talking again.

"You always read, but other than that yo sleep? That's what you'd rather do tha read?" Jessica sat up now, as if oppressing Tiffany.

Tiffany seemed to shrink into herself and Jessica smirked, taking note of Tiffany's feelings, "Hey, why don't you come with me tonight? It's Friday anyway, no school tomorrow."

Tiffany looked almost petrified and Jessica's smirk only grew into a grin, "You look like a deer caught in headlights, seriously, it's not like I'm threatening you. If you don't wanna go, fine."

Tiffany continued staring at her before seemingly coming to her senses, "I- I'll go."

Jessica couldn't help chuckling, "It's not like you have anything better to do, right? Beside readin an sleeping." She teased the odd girl and Tiffany slightly blushed before chuckling with her, "Yeah, I guess so."

Jessica's grin dimmed to an amicable smile, "Do you have to do anything after class since it's our last period?"

Tiffany shook her head and Jessica's smile widened, "Good." She sounded wolfish in that split second, but Tiffany made a good sheep.

Tiffany looked back at her book, but immediately back at Jessica, "Wait- where are we going?"

Jessica's eyebrows rose and her lips formed a thin smile, "It's a surprise." She did a spirit-finger-rainbow-like motion and Tiffany seemed childishly mesmerized.

Jessica looked up at the clock on the wall, 2:48. The bell should ring soon.

"Do you have a curfew?" Jessica teased Tiffany, hoping she would say no and to her luck, Tiffany shook her head again.

"No, not since it's the weekend." The meek girl answered a little more comfortably and Jessica couldn't help feeling lighter.

"So if I drop you off tomorrow, I won't get into any indirect trouble?"

Tiffany pursed her lips in thought, "No, I don't think so."

Jessica smiled a little in bashful excitement until the bell rang and she shot out of her seat, "Let's go!" She quickly grabbed her notes off her desk and shoved them into her leather shoulder bag without a second's hesitation.

Tiffany hastily placed her book back into her own bag before Jessica grabbed her wrist, eagerly escorting them out.

They were almost to the exit doors when a male voice called out after them, "AYO SICA! We still on for tonight?!"

Jessica looked back to see Jaejoong shouting at her with his hands in the air, pointing directly at her.

The bleach-haired girl pointed back, "YEE! I'm heading over to the McDonald's right now! I'll see you there!"

Tiffany stared amazed, they had such an exciting aura about them and it was pulling her in like a vortex.

Jessica looked back at Tiffany and the paler girl looked nicely entertained as well as pretty. Grinning broadly, Jessica pulled Tiffany along again to the student parking lot, quickly spotting her white Nissan race car and reaching for her keys in her pocket.

The bleach-haired girl unlocked her car and threw her bag onto the back bench before Tiffany got in.

Tiffany sat down, awed by the car's interior and exterior: all but the controls, accessories, and side seat designs were painted white, and everything about the car screame street race. She held onto her bag in her lap until she felt someone tug on it.

"Here, put it in the back, you won't be needing it." Jessica took Tiffany's bag and set it in the back, being sure not to throw it.

"Thanks." Tiffany bowed her head and Jessica shrugged it off, starting her car and looking back before quickly reversing. Tiffany jumped in her seat and Jessica grinned playfully. Her engine revved loudly and Tiffany noticeably straightened in her seat as Jessica sped out of the school's parking lot.

Luckily, few kids had occupied the lot yet.

It didn't take long for them to reach the McDonald's closest to their school. As they pulled up Tiffany identified three other race cars waiting for them.

Jessica rolled up in front of another white Nissan car with an unfamiliar male and female in it.

"Aye! Jaejoong should be here soon!" Jessica announced through the open window and the older-looking male nodded, shouting in excitement.

"AIGHT! We'll leave soon theeeen!" He waved around his cigarette and Jessica parked in front of the restaurant.

"Do you want anything to eat before we head out?" She ginned at Tiffany, enjoying the fascinated expression on the cute girl.

"No, thank you." Tiffany was still as timid as ever and Jessica was just as determined to drive the quiet girl out of her shell.

"'Kay, get out and let me introduce you to the team then." Jessica opened her door, forcibly implying Tiffany should get out as well.

Tiffany compelled herself out and she immediately noticed the few people already staring at her.

The female with the guy Jessica spoke to earlier waved at them. Jessica casually walked over and Tiffany quickly but quietly followed behind her, apprehensive about what kind of people they were.

"Hey Sica!" The female called.

"Heyy! Meet my girlfriend Tiffany!" Jessica grinned a cheshire grin as she looked back at Tiffany expectantly.

The pale-faced girl grew impossibly paler before stammering out, "H-hi." And her ashen skin suddenly grew incredibly pink.

"WOOOO!! Since when were you into girls, Sica?!" Another male called out and Tiffany shifted shyly behind the bleached head as all the other team members started hollering obscenities.

"Ever since I met her! DUH!" Jessica slyly wrapped her arm around Tiffany's waist and pulled her against her hip.

The girl in front of them breathed in a cigarette and started checking Tiffany out, "Wow, she's a looker."

Jessica held her smirk, "Don't be a vulture," and pulled Tiffany closer.

Soon another noisy race car rounded the entrance, Jaejoong coming into view with his red convertible.

"WASSUUUUUP!!" He shouted and pulled up behind Tiffany as he pulled down his sunglasses, "Hey! I know you! What're you doing here?!"

Tiffany sheepishly smiled and gestured towards Jessica.

"Wow! All right!" He didn't even bother questioning further before turning to the male from before, "Aye Yunho! Let's head out now!"

Yunho gave a thumbs up and revved his engine. The girl that had previously been checking Tiffany out got back into his car.


"You don't mind being my girlfriend, right?" Jessica glanced at Tiffany.

Tiffany felt like her heart was about to pound its way up her throat, "No, I don't mind." Her voice was strained and Jessica couldn't help but feel amused. It was obvious Tiffany was shocked that the blonde didn't say just for today.

"Really? Even though you've only been talking to me since sixth period?"

Tiffany was feeling almost ashamed, yet excited at the same time, like she was selling herself into something. "Well I've sat beside you almost the whole year, and it's not like you were ever rude to me if not considerate."

Jessica smiled, enamored with how much more Tiffany spoke each time she instigated a conversation. "That's true, I did take extra precaution not to bother you."

Tiffany smiled comfortably.

Jessica suddenly turned on her radio, "It's too quiet when you don't talk to me though, and I like your voice. It's cute."

Tiffany tried holding in her smile, it was a cheesy one. "I think I like your voice more, though. It's much smoother."

Jessica cheesed, "Oh yeah? You like my voice?" She continuously teased Tiffany, enjoying her modest attitude.

Jessica abruptly set her car into second gear before grabbing Tiffany's hand and bringing it up to her lips, "If you speak to me more, I promise to use it more." She pecked Tiffany's soft hand and brought it back down before shifting gears again, keeping pace with the team.

They sped down a never ending freeway and passed a little town before meeting curvy hills with steep land grades.

And Tiffany was terrified by the cliffs on her side of the car; what made it worse was the fact they were still going freeway speed. "Hey Jessica, shouldn't you slow down?"

Jessica smiled derisively, "Slow down? For what?" She sped up on a turn and it looked like they were about to crash, but Jessica's car drifted and Tiffany almost died of cardiac arrest.

The dark haired girl quickly grasped Jessica's sleeve when she took even more sharp turns until they suddenly turned a corner and returned to normal speed much to Tiffany's relief.

"I think we're here." Jessica announced as the cars ahead turned into a place with a sign beside it Dillon Beach.

Tiffany let out a breath she was unconsciously holding and released her grip on Jessica's shirt.

The blonde noticed Tiffany's distress and smiled in accomplishment as she parked her car.


"Sica! Get away from the burgers! You'll ruin them!" Yunho shouted from the distance with that provocative girl clinging onto his arm.

"I wasn't even touchin' 'em!" Jessica backed away from the grill with Tiffany beside her in new booty shorts and a tank top that Jessica had stored in her trunk.

"Aye, hurry up and finish cookin', I'm hungry and so is my girlfriend." Jessica urged the girl in front of her, Sooyoung.

"Yah! I'm already done! Here," Sooyoung passed two plates to Jessica now clad in only a green bikini top and white shorts that did a poor job of hiding the green bottom.

The bleach-headed girl headed down the table for the other condiments with Tiffany connected at her hip.

Jessica quickly started putting the hamburgers together, "Do you like everything on yours?" She side glanced at Tiffany, "No onions, I don't want my breath to stink." Jessica found Tiffany's equal attentiveness attractive.

The blonde finished making the hamburgers and picked them up from the table, leading them over to the bonfire and sitting down on one of the lawn chairs.

But there was only one chair, and Tiffany stood there awkwardly for a second until Jessica gestured for her to sit on her lap, "Come here."

Tiffany's heartrate picked up again, and she swore she was going to faint sooner or later from all these erratic cardiac outputs.

She slowly approached Jessica, not sure on how to sit on another person. It's been years since she's even sat on her parents' laps.

Jessica noticed Tiffany's hesitant behavior again and set the burgers down before grabbing her hand, pulling her sideways onto her lap.

Tiffany plopped down unceremoniously, her legs hung over the armrest as she was partially leaning against the opposite armrest and Jessica's shoulder.

"I want you to be more comfortable around me, but I enjoy watching you struggle too." Jessica smiled up at Tiffany as the girl couldn't help simpering.

"SICA!" A guy called out, "You wanna beer?!" Seunghyun, another driver shouted.

Jessica quickly perked up, "YEAH! Toss me one!"

Seunghyun limply tossed her a beer bottle and it landed near the blonde's feet in the sand.

Tiffany suddenly became alarmed when Jessica picked it up and easily twisted off the cap.

"Aren't you driving?" Tiffany inquired uneasily as she watched the blonde bring the alcohol beverage to her lips.

Jessica swigged the alcohol and looked back at Tiffany, "Yeah, but two more of these and I'll be driving like a pro."

Tiffany didn't feel as comfortable as before, now it was a bit dangerous.

"You don't drink?" Jessica at least thought Tiffany would drink on special occasions, but the girl shook her head no.

Jessica suddenly felt completely infatuated with this girl, maybe even in a bubble of love. Tiffany was everything she enjoyed in a person. Innocent, clean, keen, and patient, her prettiness was just a plus. Although, Tiffany's innocence was also becoming questionable. Why was she with Jessica?

"How about you persuade me not to drink then?" Jessica placed the cold beer bottle in between Tiffany's legs and the girl visibly shuddered from the sudden chill, and her flustered face contorting into one of discomfort.

Jessica let go of the drink, letting it sit between Tiffany's tightened legs as she cupped the girl's face and slowly brought it down to hers.

Tiffany's eyes shut closed, and Jessica couldn't help the excitement from growing as she watched the girl struggle further. With a silent intake of air to calm her own racing heart, Jessica gently pressed her lips against Tiffany's.

The blonde didn't move at first, letting the idea sink into the other girl's mind as she noticeably trembled.

Jessica retracted to look Tiffany in the eyes again. The pale girl's eyes were hazy and utterly bewitched; Jessica couldn't hold herself back from springing forward and capturing Tiffany into a more heated kiss.

Tiffany placed her hands on Jessica's bare chest, finding comfort in the touch as Jessica's lips moved against hers. She pushed back a little to catch her breath, but Jessica instantly pulled her back down, swapping spit and trailing her hand down.

Tiffany gasped and Jessica took the chance to slip her tongue in while feeling the girl's warm thighs.

The dark haired girl was flustered, her heart beating heavily against her chest as she fidgeted in Jessica's lap, the beer's cool temperature too close to her private spot for comfort.

Jessica slid her hand across Tiffany's thigh and felt the girl shiver again before finding her beer bottle. She grabbed the bottles top and pulled it out slowly, the wet glass sticking to Tiffany's thighs uncomfortably as she fidgeted and slightly spread her legs.

Tiffany felt the hairs on the back of her neck begin to stand and when the bottle was finally out, she audibly sighed against Jessica's lips.

The blonde smiled, placing the beer bottle aside and continuing to make out with Tiffany in her lap. She returned her hand to Tiffany's thighs and rubbed dangerously close to her core.

Tiffany instinctively pulled away with another gasp and Jessica looked up at her in covet, "Let's go back to the car."

Tiffany was hesitant, but she was hot and bothered, probably just as much as Jessica was telling her with her reddened face.

She slowly got off of Jessica's thighs with the blonde following suit. Tiffany nervously grabbed her hand, taking the initiative to lead them back to the car.

Her steps were heavy and unsteady, the dark haired girl was extremely nervous, but what else was she expecting when she agreed to stay with the blonde?

Once they reached the front of the car, Jessica unlocked the doors and pulled Tiffany to the driver's side. She slid the seat forward and let Tiffany in first before grabbing a towel and getting in behind her.

It was cramped, but the good kind of cramped because Tiffany couldn't escape her hold- not that the girl wanted to.

Jessica sneaked the towel behind Tiffany and got on top of her, in between her legs before meeting soft lips again.

Like a candle was lit, their bodies heated up gradually.

Jessica lowered her hips to press against Tiffany's sensitive area and the latter immediately wrapped her arms around Jessica's neck, pulling her closer and deepening the kiss.

Jessica already started perspiring from the lustful heat, and she'd barely even started. Her hands trembled as she pushed up Tiffany's tank top and felt her hips, the girl's skin much softer than she imagined it would be as she pushed up further.

Tiffany's breathing became heavier as Jessica's hands climbed up her bra,  pushing it away and gently rubbing the sides of her breasts. The blonde felt Tiffany's heart beating uncontrollably under her palms, encouraging her to continue.

The pale girl squirmed under Jessica's stimulating massage as the blonde slowly smoothed her fingers onto the girl's waiting buds.

Jessica pinched down and Tiffany gasped, arching her back against the leather seat and moaning into the humid air.

Tiffany struggled to catch her breath as Jessica's lips moved down, licking against her neck and biting down on soft skin.

The girl trembled, her legs fidgeting and hands roaming Jessica's bare back, finding her bikini strings and untying them.

Jessica's bikini top fell as she threw it off and sensually kissed down Tiffany's chest. She began trailing to an erect bud and captured it between her lips as her hands slowly pressed downward.

Tiffany swore she was about to explode from her wrecking nerves the moment Jessica's hands reached her waistband, but that was just the beginning. The older girl roughly tugged down the girl's shorts and Tiffany climbed out of them feverishly before she hesitated. The pale girl pushed Jessica back, "It- it's my first time."

The blonde looked Tiffany in the eye for a second before silently nodding and grabbing the towel. Tiffany understood as Jessica lifted her up by the waist and rolled it out under them. Jessica sat on the towel, pulling Tiffany onto her lap, "I'll be gentle."

Tiffany gulped and slowly wrapped her arms around Jessica's slim shoulders tightly, the excitement coursing through her veins.

The blonde skidded her hands across Tiffany's back, enjoying and groping the soft skin and surprisingly toned muscles. Tiffany whimpered and couldn't help gyrating her hips against the blonde's pelvic area, silently begging to be touched again.

Jessica revelled in Tiffany's movements as she massaged Tiffany's thighs, slowly advancing up to her derrière and giving it a firm squeeze. The pale girl whined, bucking against Jessica's hips.

The blonde was struggling to hold herself together as her hands slid into place under Tiffany's thighs, and when she found how dripping wet Tiffany was between pink swollen folds, she couldn't help searching for her clit and pinching it mercilessly. Tiffany jerked forward, screaming into Jessica's ear as she squirted onto the girl's shorts.

The pale girl's nails dug deep into Jessica's back as she relished in the moment, enjoying it shamelessly.

Tiffany was out of breath, but Jessica continued rubbing her labia, stimulating her further.

The younger moaned, "Wait."

But Jessica singled out her middle finger and slowly slid it in as far as it could go. Tiffany tensed, her breath caught in her throat as she rasped out, "Too deep!" Jessica slid out part way and let Tiffany calm down before gently moving again.

Tiffany willed herself to get used to the feeling of something inside of her, but when Jessica started moving again, her breath caught.

It barely hurt, but it was frustratingly pleasing as Tiffany quickly succumbed to the daunting pleasure, her hips rolling to meet Jessica's finger.

The blonde haphazardly left love marks across the girl's neck before adding another finger, thrusting in faster as Tiffany moaned and bucked, her nails roving over Jessica's back painfully, yet soothingly.

"You're so tight." Jessica twisted her fingers inside of Tiffany and pushed deeper as the girl shouted, "Right there!"

Jessica found the place again and curled her fingers, savoring the sound of Tiffany's pitched voice and the feeling of the girl dig her nails into raw skin.

Tiffany clamped around Jessica's fingers, soaking them as she released for the second time that night.

Jessica continued curling her fingers as she felt Tiffany's cum wetting her exposed hips and dripping onto her shorts.

Tiffany looked about ready to pass out as Jessica laid her down across the back seat and finally took out her soaked fingers. She placed them in her mouth and tasted Tiffany's sweet come, savoring the taste.

The whole car reeked of sex as Tiffany tiredly ran her fingers through her sweaty hair while staring up at Jessica sensually licking her fingers.

Jessica thought Tiffany would've already given up by now and give in to sleep, but the girl surprisingly leaned forward again and grabbed her by the nape of her neck, pulling her down for a kiss.

The blonde was very aware she had already gotten off on just watching Tiffany, but nothing was more invigorating than a girl with a high libido.

Tiffany slipped her soft tongue between Jessica's parted lips, getting a taste of herself as the older girl generously responded.

Jessica's breathing bounced off the girl's flushed cheeks as her eyes rolled back at the sensation. Tiffany's hands suddenly slid down to the blonde's shorts and unbuttoned them, followed by the sound of a copper zipper.


nc-17, jeti

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