
Feb 07, 2006 15:02

so today, i finally got my scrapbook jawn from Bec. and i sweat it soo bad!! i always wanted one of these, and i was planning on making it myself, but i'm just not THAT creative. Thank god i have friends that are. haha, but i really really really LOVE it. thanks to all of my friends that helped with it. i'm going to keep it forever.

anways, so i haven't really updated in awhile either, Farah. But, i'll just discuss random things.

classes are fine. alot of homework, but it's fine for now since i don't have any afterschool things, when softball gets here, i'm in deep shit. ew. lol, but lunch got changed...which is OK. i mean i love lunch 1...everyone is in there. But lunch 2 is fine too. some ppl i know are in there also [bec, farah, nikk, joycel, glenn, tim, josh, dan, sam, austin, jill, gina...well you get the point], and it's more quiet and not as loud. But idk? loud is idk what lunch i would prefer. possibly lunch 1. but it's w/e.

Umm, snowball is this friday. It's gonna be fun, i can't wait! i still need to get my shoes...that will be on thursday. and hopefully my brother's friend can do my hair. i'll prolly just flip out my layers. i'm not gonna go all out just for Snowball...that can wait until prom.

I just got my hair done. i at first didn't like it as much, but now i sweat it...i guess? lol, prolly b/c of everyone's opinion changed my mind. Good, b/c this stuff is staying for awhile. I'ma grow out my hair, so hopefully by the beginning of my junior year it'll be all BLACK. it'll be healthy for my hair also.

well, i'ma some geometry work. oh yay.

postscript;; I can't believe how i've overcome so much and gotten over sooo many things. and i'm so proud. it's so weird how my feelings are right now. i'm just so confused. idk.
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