Its Monday and I'm in a flunk!*

Aug 10, 2009 09:48

Feeling pretty low at the moment, alot of things seem to be getting on top of me/us at the moment.

Just when I think we have fixed one problem we find another - like arranging a cleaner, for her then to be really unreliable and never knowing which weeks she is going to turn up - so finding myself cleaning at the weekend only for her to turn up on the Tuesday, or worse neither happening.

My world seems to be too good at highlighting problems at the moment, without the willingness to help or participate in a solution - I guess I'm finding it hard to keep the 'can do' 'no problem' part of me up and running without a little more positive input.

Need to make some time to work out how I can make things easier for myself - getting back into something I've neglected since having Izzy - Planning and organising.  But this time I need to get my own shit organised first!

Things I want to find time to do:
  1. Setting up weekly meal plans (including packed lunches) - Make time to do regular food orders
  2. Having a sort & clear out - selling stuff on ebay/greenmetropolis/freecycle/charity shops
  3. Agreeing where everything in the house 'lives' and trying to make sure that they do actually go back when they're finished with.
Although at the moment I don't know when I/we are going to find Free time to do this... but a list of three at least sounds achievable.
Doesn't it?

*Not helped by Izzy-B waking up with a nightmare last night and she (and I) finding it hard to go back to bed again.
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