Reprinted from a post on the SCA community.
Original post and subsequent commentary are here: Possible copyright infringement?
Because I have a serious question:
Tonight, as the husband and I were in the Wal-mart, we were walking by the men's clothing section and saw a T-shirt with calligraphy on it. I stopped to read it (because I'm a geek thankyouverymuch), and noticed that the writing was the partial text of an SCA scroll from the Barony of Windmaster's Hill in Atlantia. The t-shirt was designed by the "No Boundries" brand that Wal-Mart carries.
I went ahead and bought the t-shirt, because I didn't have my digicam with me at the time, and I wanted to document it so I could ask the question.
As you can see, the wording is chopped, but it very clearly says "Windmaster's Hill". The design seems to be some old copyright free clip art type of stuff.
But am I mistaken in thinking that the names of Shires, Groups, ect. are the property of SCA Inc?
And I'm really thinking that the scribe who did the lettering probably didn't give permission for his/her calligraphy to be chopped and used on a t-shirt design, much less paid for thier art.
So, is the use of "Windmaster's Hill" copyright infringement?
Is the use of someone's calligraphy without permission copyright infringement? I'm not certain about the latter, because if you get right down to it, this is sort of a collage (sort of like sampling music).
Anyway I figured the hive-mind would know.