
Jan 01, 2006 22:18

livejournal. i should update slightly more.

ahmazing-reviewing my year.

In The Year 2005:

[P E O P L E]
1. Best friends? ramseyy
2. Best boyfriend/girlfriend? who knows
3. Lost any friends? a few
5. Met a new good friend? ofcourse

[P L A C E S]
1. Went out of the country? no sir
2. Moved? no
3. New school? not quite
4. How many times on an airplane? 6times
5. Road trips? two

[Y O U]
1. Have you changed? ofcourse
2. New look? im sure ive had a few
3. Any new addictions? not exactly
4. Biggest conflict this year? parents and college
5. Most depressed time this year? beginning of the year

[S E A S O N S]
1. Favorite Season? winterrr
2. Least favorite season? fall. band season
4. Any snow this year? not here

[F I N A L Q U E S T I O N S]
Snuck out- it happened
Met a person who will change your life- anyone i met might change my life
Fell in love - nay
Kept your resolution- i did
Got arrested- np
Had a first something- many many
Drank A lcohol- some
Smoked weed/drugs- no
Did anything illegal- yeah
Kissed a girrl/boy- i did
Had a crush on someone- one or two
Liked someone who didn't like you- not really
Lost a family member- i did :[
Got bad grades- a C in chemistry.
Got suspended- no sir
Moved states- florida always
Got a myspace- yeahh
Learned an instrument- 2
Started a band- i didnt
Spent over 1 million dollars- perhaps
Went streaking- haha yes
Kept a secret- a few
Done something you totally regretted- nope
Changed your view on things- ofcourse

Overall did you like this year? - it was rather enjoyable.
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