Hello there

Sep 26, 2006 21:03

Hello just thought I'd update a little bit for those who have been wandering what I've been up to
Well I am nowwwww a psychology student at Lincoln university
I have great housemates, I live in a great place and I have a GREAT boyfriend and erm I work at boots! Which pays great as it happens.
I worked for a week in telesales but that wasn't so great hehe.
Oh and yes I'm having a halloween party!
Its fancy dress so make sure if you come you dress up plenty and bring lots of alcohol!
So yeah just letting you know in advance!
Erm everyone seems to be enjoying this year whether they be at uni, work or college so thats cool :D
Ooh I have a driving lesson tomro so thats pretty exciting and erm erm I'm not reallllly sure I have anything else very interesting to say but yeah comments people.
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