Jan 22, 2005 23:18
OK OMG~ so i'm totally freaking out- we got our first english comp 2 project and i swear to god my teacher is f-in NUTS! i mean this is the hardest thing i think i have ever done... seriously- and it's going to take SOO long to do and i have like NO time to do it- i mean for all you people out there that are REALLY good at english- can i get some insight here?? i dont even know what the hell to write this shit on... here's the assignment...
First, determine the injustice on campus or your community that you want to target. Describe it in a short paragraph that will serve as an introduction to the problem.
Next, using the following resources and put together an annotated bibliography with 5 - 8 sources that specifically address the injustice. Consider using sources from:
--USF Library virtual databases such as CQ, Academic ASAP, Lexis/Nexis etc. (2-3)
--Books and Magazines from the library shelves (2-3)
--Newspaper articles from newspapers like The Oracle, St. Pete Times, Tampa Tribune (2-3)
Then, using these sources, write a brief history of the injustice that addresses when, where and how this problem has occurred before. In your brief, also describe one example where people have responded to and tried to fix this injustice, and analyze their results. How effective were they? What did they do right? What did they do wrong? What would you do different? (Positioning your argument in this way can lend depth and credibility to your argument, eventually helping to persuade others to contribute to your cause. What’s more, the research itself should help you to determine the kinds of action plan that will best suit your social and material context. )
Once you’ve done the background work, add to your brief by addressing how it is affecting USF or the community today. Interview at least three people who are either hurt by the injustice or somehow involved in causing or perpetuating it. Use their information, plus your own observation to demonstrate concretely how the injustice impacts people today. Show who is most deeply hurt by the injustice and demonstrate how it affects them. Be sure this section provides the development - that is the detailed information to develop and support your main idea.
Next write a proposal that describes what you think is a solution to the injustice. In other words, what would be a better alternative?
Then list five actions that you and/or your supporters who want to correct this injustice could take. (The action items can include anything from writing a letter to the editor, writing and collecting signatures for a petition, producing a TV or radio commercial, establishing a web site, creating a community organization, writing your congressperson, lobbying the legislature, writing an op-ed piece, organizing a legal action, giving a speech, creating an e-zine, making flyers, leaflets or posters, organizing a demonstration etc.). However, at least two of them need to involve writing. Also include some brief comments on each of the five items that explains:
1. Why the action makes sense.
2. Who would be involved or impacted by the action.
3. If it involves mobilizing people, how you would persuade them to take an active role.
4. What results you expect and why.
Finally, actually do one of the written projects on your list (a letter to the editor, a mission statement on a petition, a script for a TV or radio commercial etc.)
Then organize your material in essay form that you will turn in, in written form, on and in a short presentation that you can give to the class. Include an annotated bibliography.
Plan on a minimum of 1,500 words for the package, not including the bibliography.