finally passed our marketing final paper. :D
looking back on all the hard work we did, i realized one thing.. i am one fucking amazing leader. :D
oh and for her... I LOVE YOU. i just hope that you know. i just hope that you figure it all out by yourself that i love you. i frickin love you. you are an amazing woman and i hope that you are happy always. I know i have nothing to offer you but my love and fantastic sex (talaga!?!?). Too bad you have a boyfriend that doesnt appreciate you. Maybe when i get a job and a new car (sold it so that i could have my own bathroom), maybe we can hook up and i will have the confidence i need to ask you out. I know we went out before but that was just for drinks. i want a real date. maybe when your boyfriend is out of the picture then we can hang out. :D ok?
How to make a ali_is_dead
1 part success
5 parts humour
5 parts instinct
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of caring
Personality cocktailFrom