Jul 08, 2005 01:39
Security services are reporting that a group of young radicals from a minority religion have been foiled in their attempt to influence the political process through violence.
It seems that these men hoped to change the political landscape of Britain by planting a major bomb in the centre of London to coincide with a high profile state and political event.
The plot was uncovered before the bomb could be detonated and an investigation is under way to track down all of those reponsible.
This isn't a real news story, just my interpretation of one that occurred 400 years ago this year. Guy Fawkes and the gunpowder plotters planned to blow up the houses of parliament during the state opening of parliament by secreting 36 barrels of gunpowder in a disused basement in the palace of Westminster.
People have always tried to influence the political process through violence, from the Gunpowder plot, the war of Spanish succession to today’s evil act.
Terrorism is the new name we give this when those committing the violence are not part of a nation states armed forces. Invasion or liberation are what we call it when they do wear a uniform.
Terrorism is nothing new, don't let politicians fool you by telling you it is and that they need new powers to combat it, don't give in to the politics of fear.
The freedom we value in the west has survived much greater threats than we now face, these freedoms mean we are free, they themselves come at a price though. That price is a vulnerability that dictatorial nations do not face.
Today my heart goes out to those that are suffering the price of our freedom in London.
We must continue to be vulnerable to these acts because the only way to be truly safe from them would be to live in a cage. We can do all we can to combat these threats but as long as we want to continue to be able to move around freely without constant demands from the state to show our identification we will be vulnerable to the abuse of that freedom by others.