Feb 10, 2005 07:37
This general malaise is starting to worry me.
For the last 3 months I have been thoroughly demotivated, I can't seem to muster energy for anything and that pisses me off because I feel like I am wasting time.
Well to be fair I am wasting time.
Last summer I was easily able to motivate myself to study for 20 or so hours a week on top of the 48 I work, from September on I was spending at least that amount of time househunting and sorting out everything to do with buying a house then moving us in.
But since then I just can't get started. I know that 20 hours a week of studying would translate to an exam passed every 6 weeks which in turn would mean an MCSE by the summer and CCNA (or solaris admin1) by the autumn. In turn that would all guarantee me a nice shiny new job by summer or winter at the very latest.
But I just can't get started, I just can't make myself care enough to do the first 10 or 20 hours work that would have me commited to it.
The last time I remember this being so bad was back in the day when I was at Uni, with a bit of work I probably could have got a first class honours degree and from there headed for research and some fun things doing what most assosciate with marine biology, playing with sharks and dolphins.
But I didn't, instead for the crucial final year I just chugged along doing the bare minimum required for graduation.
I can't let it happen again, but I have no idea how to speed myself up.
Perhaps a start would be to set aside defined times days ahead that I have to study in, no ifs, no buts, no finding something that seems more important at the time.
If I can manage 15 or 20 hours in the space of the first week then maybe that will be the kickstart I need.
All suggestions gratefully received.