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Mar 28, 2006 09:45

yeah so yesterday was amazing untillll.........~~~~(flash back to yesterday when I get home from school)~~~~

I looked around intensly for a box..any box, big or small doesnt matter. I knew my shoes were coming today! so you could imagin the excitment when I saw it. A lovely box, medium with the delias sticker on it that politley says to Allison Mietling. I ran inside. I was so excited these shoes that I have been waiting 8 days for! I open the box with much anticipation. I noticed that the people at delias kindley put a "amazing" candy bar in there with a princess diaries book! how nice. I saw that I recieved my tank top and more cateloges. I also noticed the box of shoes...my shoes..the ones i specificaly ordered for me. They were Chocolate colored distressed slip ons. when i first saw them they actually said "allison buy me and I shall make you cute" I oped the shoes box and to my amazment and dissapointment i got the ugley blue and yelloe Rio sneakers......

yeah i know
now i have to return them
how gay waiting another 8 days for te right shoes
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