these are the days of our lives

Dec 01, 2007 04:47

so i spent a lovely thirteen to fifteen hours in the hospital last night/today
and ended up getting absolutely fucking no where
minus two perkaset [which i easily could have done] some sort of bladder analgesic that also happens to turn urine neon orange and yellow [yes yes too much information], and two doses of morphine
and yes even morphine doesn't even hit me and make me wonky or anything, although i suppose with a strong enough dose it might
well anything might in a strong enough dose

went to the st b because i knew going to the vic would be a bad idea and slower
only waited slightly over and hour to get in
and in that hour at least five ambulences came in

then i got to do lovely tests
and try to wait for two hospitals to not send the results of my ultrasound and ct scan
in fact the vic has no record of me being there let alone my fucking ct scan
and the miseridcordia never sent over my ultrasound
in fact i got to wait until my doctors office opened and they sent them the information for that

and all because the night nurse forgot to pass on the instructions for what was supposed to happen to me
the nice doctor finally gave up on the mis to send the test and said just phone dr smil and she'll have an easier time sorting it out, in the meantime we'll give you some painkillers to make you comfortable and you can go home
lovingly at shift change the nurse neglected to pass this on to the other nurse and i got to wait there for...... four or five hours waiting for a piece of paper

mum stayed home yesterday and today
she finally has realized how sick i am
and should hopefully stop harassing me about how i'm not doing enough around the house

and i'm supposedly 'safe'
and fortunately the doctor agreed with me that this is not something from fibro
which was comforting

lindsay is much happier now because she was thinking i was going into renal failure, which i did not [think that is]

i'm just tired
and fortunately not too sore right now
i will have a hard time going back to sleep
i only fell asleep earlier because i had been up for a good thirty plus hours
and somehow fell asleep through the really bad pain
and currently my fibro is acting up as well as the back pain

i'm just tired
very very tired
very very tired of hospitals and doctors
and never getting an answer to why i'm sick

and hospitals due to their florescent lights do not mix well with having tinnitus
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